Tom Perrialollollo on the Air with Two new ads

By: faithfull
Published On: 9/12/2008 9:04:31 AM

Whats Important 1

Take away line:

How you now pronounce my name isn't whats important. Knowing what it stands for is.

What's Important 2

Donate to Tom on ActBlue and help get VA-05 back to blue!

I love em!


Those are great ads! n/t (aznew - 9/12/2008 10:27:39 AM)

Great ads. (Lowell - 9/12/2008 10:29:25 AM)
Tom, you rock! :)

Love the ads! eom (Science Virginian - 9/12/2008 12:08:53 PM)

Having worked for Tom this summer (Roland the HTG - 9/12/2008 12:19:42 PM)
in Bedford and Appomattox, these are actually some of the better pronunciations of it that I've heard.

These ads are certainly going to help get the message out there, but what candidates like Tom and Judy Feder and all the others need is foot soldiers. I know that in the rural counties of the 5th, people are a heck of a lot more likely to buy what you're selling if you do it face-to-face. There's 8 weeks left. Find a weekend (or two or three or 8), find a friend, and go take back our state.

Great screen name! n/t (aznew - 9/12/2008 12:36:14 PM)

Condescension (Houdon - 9/12/2008 2:10:01 PM)
Are Bedford and Appo supposed to be some sort of bywords for mispronunciation?  Virgil certainly has no trouble understanding us, nor we him.  For that and so many other reasons, my family's votes (and I'd wager the majority of our community's) will be Virgil once again.  

What part of Virgil do you understand best? (Lowell - 9/12/2008 2:19:58 PM)
The bigotry, the lack of effectiveness or the corruption?

I was going to ask... (Science Virginian - 9/12/2008 4:20:40 PM)
...if you were actually trying to misinterpret Roland's statement.

Then, I reflected further on your comment and it made more sense; based on your statement, Virgil would understand you. Some folks thrive on hatred and fear; they look everywhere for slights, attacks, anything to define someone as "the enemy". If there is no real threat, they'll make one up, whether it's scary immigrants, fellow congressmen who happen to be muslim, "lipstick on a pig", or a casual mention that a person once worked in Bedford or Appomattox. Virgil is definitely well-suited to the "We make stuff up" party.

From someone proudly raised in Bedford County (in spite of your comment).

Fantastic ads (Populista - 9/12/2008 2:28:40 PM)
I love them.