
By: stev99
Published On: 8/31/2008 4:02:07 PM

With Gustav bearing down on New Orleans, the Republican convention ready to go, and Palin now on the campaign trail with McCain it just brings up some thoughts.

First, with another 100 year hurricane threatening to wipe out New Orleans again, can people continue to deny global warming?  Can the people of New Orleans continue to live below sea level?  Has the government learned from their mistakes of Katrina?

Next, the RNC is about to begin.  With the DNC feastival over last week, it now becomes problematic for the RNC to celebrate with the storm cloud of Gustav bearing down on the nation.  There is even a threat, but unlikely, that they would postpone it.  Doing so for a week might be better for the Republicans, since they can then align the convention with the seventh anniversary of 9/11 better.  But on the other hand, would celebrating on 9/11 be appropriate?

And finally I just can't get over Palin.  With the crisis in the gulf right now, I wonder what does Palin know about crisis management?  As the only executive amongst the major parties candidates, how has she demonstrated leadership during a crisis?  I only ask this because I've seen Bobby Jindal, the governor of Lousiana, take a leadership role in preparing for Gustav after being passed on the veep position by McCain.  

