God Answers All Prayers

By: Josh
Published On: 8/28/2008 10:25:45 AM

Sometimes, he just says "NO".

So much for "Focus on the Family's", prayers for God to send "Rain of Biblical Proportions" to drown out Obama's epic, and historic acceptance speech today. We're looking at a sunny 78 degrees all day long.

Let's just say this in the kindest way possible.  This is America.  Neither the American flag, nor the US constitution, nor God belong to any party, race, or creed.

We're all Americans and these conservatives without conscience can neither determine another's patriotism nor another's worthiness in Grace.  Whatever your faith, that judgment is a responsibility reserved well above our pay grade.


Good grief (Pru - 8/28/2008 10:40:08 AM)
How smug, how self important, how utterly ridiculous for FOF to think that God would intervene in this matter....Why aren't they praying for an end to world hunger or for the 26,000 children who die each day due to preventable illnesses???  Why don't they think about all the suffering on this sorry planet, and if they think God will intervene at their request, they surely need to get their priorities straight!  

WWJD?   If he came back to earth today,  I'm guessing the Democratic National Convention would be the last thing on His mind.

Be careful what you pray for (Teddy - 8/28/2008 11:03:53 AM)
all you smug True Believers. That vengeful God of yours may grant your wish for rain as Gustav punches up the Mississippi valley just in time to dump its final rains on the Republican convention in Twin Cities, after re-devastating New Orleans (not to mention the oil rigs off-shore). A suitable reminder of their own past sins, perhaps? But I digress...  

Now have Tropical Storm Hanna, currently heading towards Florida (VA Breeze - 8/28/2008 11:16:05 AM)
Florida had enough of Fay-hitting land four times and dumping rain

religulous Focus on Family not political?? (davebain - 8/28/2008 1:19:13 PM)
...and the Lord said, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a PAC to indefinitely masquerade as a religious organization...

Let's hope the IRS hears their prayer and relieves them of the burden of 501(c)(3) status

dave, that was awesome! (sammi fredenburg - 8/28/2008 8:16:17 PM)

Do you remember this? (Tiderion - 8/28/2008 8:32:14 PM)

We should all avoid assuming God will take a side.

Why do Democrats play into GOP hands with our language? (desfido - 8/28/2008 10:07:56 PM)
The phrase "on the ground" rose in usage after the GOP started using it to dismiss concerns of those who weren't in lockstep with then, in my opinion going along with their broader recent trend towards anti-intellectualism.

The "above my pay grade" phrase at Saddleback was one of Obama's definite mistakes there. It's been picked up by the GOP to emphasize a particular view of Obama they'd like to push.

Don't play into the GOP's hands. By adopting these phrasings (and others), you help remind people of the GOP points, and emphasize their "truthiness", even if your intent is to subvert them.