What Obama Wants in a Vice President

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/20/2008 2:47:38 PM

UPDATE: Photos of Barack Obama and Mark Warner in Martinsville are available here.


Also, check out Obama's new ad (Lowell - 8/20/2008 2:47:57 PM)

It's a good start in the right direction (Ron1 - 8/20/2008 3:15:11 PM)
But they're still pussy-footing around too much, imo. The message needs to be, "John McCain will say anything to win the Presidency. He'll even lie to you about his [tax plan/foreign policy/environmental policies]." They spend way too much time talking about their own tax policies in this plan -- hit McCain for lying constantly and for trying to sell his lies while really backing George Bush's policies 100%.

This election needs to be about accountability for the Republican elites that ran this country into the freaking ground for the past 8 years. John McCain is carrying their water, and the losers will be all the people that have been losing ground for the past eight years (i.e., everyone except the top 0.5-1%).  

Jim Webb (ub40fan - 8/20/2008 5:24:47 PM)
defined by Barrack Obama.

We're All United On This One (Lee Diamond - 8/20/2008 5:32:47 PM)
Nice work Lowell.  Thank you.

I am thinking of that goofy/smirky whatever look on McWar's face on HuffPo today.  He's putting on his innocent look about the negative BS targeting Barack. It is necessary that we continue to move in this direction........

Get angry about the middle class suffering, or the need to rebuild the middle class in these United States.  Thats fine.  There is certainly more than one way to get the job done.  But he has to get angry, he has to raise his voice.  He has to throw punches.

This is a Democratic problem.  Our opponent does not follow Marquess of Queensbury rules.  One thing .....if there is only one thing we do this year, it should be to make sure that our candidate and his campaign understand that punches must be thrown.  We have to stand up for ourselves.   We have to fight.  We also have to keep it together because we have to win.