Bloomberg/Paul on the Ballot in VA?

By: Chris Guy
Published On: 8/18/2008 5:23:50 PM

The Independent Greens have collected 70,000 signatures to put NY Mayor Mike Bloomberg on the ballot for President. Ron Paul is listed as his runningmate. The only hold-up is the fact that Bloomberg himself hasn't given them his permission. Oh, and according to the NY Daily News, if Bloomberg turns them down, the Idiotic Independent Greens may turn to ultra right-wing Constitution Party presidential nominee Chuck Baldwin.

A liberal Republican, a libertarian, and a wingnut. What do they all have in common? Nothing...except for the Independent Green Party of VA. That's a real principled outfit they got going over there.

The now defunct Unity '08 group morphed into the Draft Bloomberg for President effort, which fell apart months ago after it generated zero interest nationally. Those people all got the message when Bloomberg himself said that he would not be a candidate for President. The Independent Green Party of VA, unlike the folks in the other 49 states, didn't get the memo.


It's Impressive.... (Flipper - 8/18/2008 5:32:06 PM)
that the Green Party was able to gather that many signatures.  And how saavy of them to put these two individuals togther as a ticket, in an attempt to pull votes from both McCain and Obama.  I think McCain would be the big loser here because of the intense feelings Ron Paul's followers have for him - it could peel votes away from McCain.  All of this is another factor that will impact who wins Virginia's 13 electoral votes, if in fact, Bloomberg doesn't remove himself from the ticket.  

FYI, it is NOT the "Green Party" (Lowell - 8/18/2008 5:36:04 PM)
It's an outfit that calls itself the "Independent Green Party of VA."  Their main issue seems to be rail, which is fine, except that they believe it's the cure for everything ranging from traffic to the common cold (ok, exaggerating a bit but not much if you listen to Gail "For Rail" Parker).

Wait does that mean (Silence Dogood - 8/18/2008 5:39:21 PM)
that there's a statewide election in Virginia that Gail Parker isn't running in?

I believe she's running (Lowell - 8/18/2008 5:46:33 PM)
for US Senate.  Watch out Mark Warner! :)

Oh well that's good. (Silence Dogood - 8/18/2008 6:58:37 PM)
If you're going to tilt at windmills, tilt at the biggest one you can find.

Cynthia McKinney is GP Prez Candidate (hereinva - 8/18/2008 10:14:25 PM)
Cynthia McKinney is the Green Party presidential candidate. The Green Party had volunteers with petitions to get Cynthia on the ballot last weekend at the local Fredericksburg farmers market.

What is the Independent Green Party? They have run candidates in the VA 1st District before. Usually the platform leans Republican with the exception of the "rail" thing. Very strange.

We had an IG candidate run in my district a few years back (Silence Dogood - 8/19/2008 1:08:09 AM)
and he was more liberal than most of the people who read this blog.  Got something like 15% of the vote.  The IGs seem to defy definition.

IG Party? (Tiderion - 8/19/2008 8:02:51 AM)
Well, I won't say it's wrong because this is a republic and you are free to do that. On the other hand, the two-party system works quite well for a reason. We tend to elect candidates than parties. The party is loose backing and a guide for a general direction to vote if you don't know the candidate.

Good luck to them though.