Reality Show: Don't think "WRONG" Thoughts!

By: Jim White
Published On: 8/4/2008 8:22:48 AM

I am posting this in my diary because all Virginia representatives Democrat and Republican alike have voted for this legislation.

While we watch for violations of the Constitution from our current Republican administration, we often overlook legislation from our individual Democratic leaders. H.R. 1955 introduced by Democratic Representative Jane Harmon (CA-36) last year is possibly the worst piece of security legislation in history.
George W. Bush's so called "Patriot Act" raped the Bill of Rights, and H.R. 1955 takes that to the next level. Shame on Rep. Harmon. This bill specifically targets the American populace for "ideological" differences from what is considered government policy or what is considered the "norm".

And just who decides what is normal?

How would you like to be imprisoned indefinitely for disagreeing on the governments handling of Hurricane Katrina, Iraq, or even drilling for oil? No writ of Habeas Corpus, no lawyer, no quick and speedy trial?

Can you say Nazi Germany?

As Bush and his cohorts steadily erode our Bill of Rights, the last thing we need is this piece of misguided legislation. As if introducing this bill wasn't bad enough, it has already passed the House where both parties voted for it overwhelmingly in Roll Vote 993 by a 404-6 margin with 22 not voting. The bill is currently in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.  
