Yesterday's AFL-CIO conference call with Sen. Barack Obama

By: Jim White
Published On: 8/1/2008 5:46:24 AM

I am honored to have taken part in yesterdays call with the Senator and John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO.

By visiting the AFL-CIO weblog, you can read most of what was said, but it isn't quite the same as being on the call. I didn't come away with some sort of starry-eyed vision as Republicans would no doubt want to spin it. What I did come away with was a sense of the possibilities our future holds.
Is it possible Sen. Obama will make mistakes if elected? Yes, but the difference in my opinion (as opposed to 4 more years of what amounts to Bush policy) is Obama will move to rectify mistakes as they are made.

The defining moment for me was a statement the Senator made,"Change does not come from the top down, it comes from the bottom up".

As a member of the working class, as a union activist and leader and as an American, I intend to continue my efforts to promote Sen. Obama to the White House in November. Lets face it, McCain has not inspired anyone. Instead of issues, he runs negative ads. I bet he doesn't even know what the real issues are. He has flipped so many times on taxes, even his own party is confused.

Come November, lets put the "Celebrity Candidate" in the White House and rock America!
