Let Me Just Make One Thing Clear

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/30/2008 7:46:35 PM

There shouldn't be any doubt about this, but just in case there is any, let me say this loud and clear to all concerned:


OK, now that we've settled that...next subject! :)

UPDATE: Obama's latest ad is a good one!


With all due respect to Carville and Stephanopolous (Chris Guy - 7/30/2008 9:16:54 PM)
THAT'S how you run a War Room. This isn't rapid response, this is instantaneous response.

Agreed. (Lowell - 7/30/2008 9:24:03 PM)
Kick. Ass!

I love this headline from Al Giordano: (Chris Guy - 7/30/2008 9:49:35 PM)
We Are the "War Room" that We Have Been Waiting For

The Multiplier Effect (Yorktown82 - 7/30/2008 10:58:45 PM)
Now seeing THAT got me fired up!

Nothing gets the juices flowing like such a rapid response to the McCain camp's mendacity that works on so many levels simultaneously.

In fact, it was a good way to remind me that the end of the month was here and time to donate to the cause again.

Every time I see solid evidence of my donations being well spent, it just motivates me to give more.

The difference this time is that I thought perhaps a little bulk purchasing of bumper stickers at


was in order. As soon as I found that buying 100+ of them meant that I could get them for 45 cents apiece, I immediately had visions of handing them out to all of my friends!

Next month I will have to go for the 30 cents apiece route by buying over 500 of them. Perfect for disseminating them to strangers all across the commonwealth (either that, or make a whole lot of new friends)!

I'm With You 110 Percent (AnonymousIsAWoman - 7/30/2008 9:37:39 PM)
I will fight to defeat McCain because the country simply can't endure four more years of Republican mismanagement.

And it's great to see a Democrat who knows how to fight back!

I see your 110% and raise it ALL IN (pvogel - 7/30/2008 9:38:54 PM)

Don't you mean 120%? (Barbara - 7/30/2008 9:54:46 PM)
That's what I'm going for.  

Great ad.  Certainly beats that lame piece put out today by the McCain campaign featuring Brittany and Paris.

Sure, Lowell, I'm with you on Obama (aznew - 7/30/2008 9:59:36 PM)
but now that we know what we know about how Kaine's entry into the race may affect our state for the next two, if not three election cycles, I'll be a bit upset if he leaves us in the lurch.

Here in Newport News... (lgb30856 - 7/30/2008 10:06:36 PM)
we are ahead of the curve. precincts, women for obama., etc.  the young obama people are awesome. try 200%.