"Mudcat" on Gilmore and McDonnell (don't read with food in mouth)

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/23/2008 7:28:08 PM

Over at The Shad Plank, Dave "Mudcat" Saunders shares his thoughts on a number of subjects, including Jim Gilmore and Bob McDonnell. Warning: these are very funny, so please make sure you don't have any food or milk in your mouth when you read them.

First, here's Mudcat on Jim Gilmore:

You damned right I see Gilmore getting nasty. I think it's his nature. Some of the attacks will have absolutely no basis in truth. By Labor Day, he's going to be telling you guys that Mark was the dude behind the grassy knoll.

Ha, that's perfect, except Gilmore probably won't wait until Labor Day. Maybe the 2-year anniversary of "macaca" on August 11? :)

Anyway, if you liked Mudcat's comments about Jim Gilmore, here's an even better one - an all-time Mudcat classic, this time about Bob McDonnell:

[McDonnell] will not come off as credible in the general. For example, he put in all those sodomy bills and when asked if he had ever committed sodomy, replied, "I don't recall."   Bubba hears that and says, "I might have forgotten where my car keys are. In fact, I might have forgotten where my car was, but I don't think I would have forgotten that one."

Hahahahahahaha!  I told you not to read these with food or milk in your mouth. :)


"I'm Bob McDonnell, and I approve this sodomy" (Kindler - 7/23/2008 8:38:02 PM)
I don't know if McDonnell ever committed sodomy in his personal life, but that's certainly what he's done to the state of Virginia...

Mudcat for VP! (Tyler Durden - 7/25/2008 4:23:36 PM)
Can we get a draft Mudcat movement going?