Delegate's Club VIP

By: Adam Sharp
Published On: 7/19/2008 4:26:33 PM

I can't tell who's getting screwed more: Delegate Spruill for prostituting his political network to the highest bidder, or Delegate Moran for paying $90,000 a year for the political contacts of a mere delegate. Maybe it's Moran's donors. Or maybe Spruill's constituents.

When it comes to managing campaigns (I've managed 4, consulted on 4 others), I am a tightwad. I don't like spending any money before September. Small staff, minimal office space, bare minimum visibility.

In 2007 I was so committed to not spend "unnecessary" money in June it took two state senators to tell me it was OK to buy yard signs.

To me, yard signs don't vote. And money spent in June when voters aren't paying attention is money unavailable in October when voters are paying attention.

That's why I am so disgusted by the news that Brian Moran is paying Lionell Spruill $7,500 a month - the equivalent of $90,000 a year - because Del. Spruill has "contacts all over the state." It's extravagant, it's wasteful, it's exploiting party involvement for personal gain and it is unethical might be illegal.

(Stronger language after the flip)     

First of all, I support Creigh Deeds - always have. He's from my neck of the woods, he's run a statewide race already and we know each other personally. He remembers my son's name and asks about him every time we see each other. 

Deeds isn't the most progressive candidate running, but hell, this isn't a really progressive commonwealth. At least it isn't outside of Arlington and Charlottesville. We don't have the most progressive Democrat running for president (Edwards), so why do we need the most progressive candidate for governor?

Second, Moran is spending far too much money a year before the primary. As a Democrat, I want to know my candidates know the value of a dollar and, if I end up contributing $10/month or more, I want to know my money will be spent wisely. Moran's finance report doesn't make me feel that way.

Third, Spruill sounds like an arrogant SOB. Look what he said to Tim Craig when asked whether he was worth $90k/year:

"I am pretty much known across the whole state so we are hoping my contacts....will be enough to defeat his opponent in the primary."

He later added, "You would be hard pressed to find a person in the state, black or white, who has as many contacts across the state. You may find a more powerful person, but I have more contacts, both black and white." Link

Really, Delegate Spruill? Let's look at those remarks.

Known across the whole state? Look Lionell, I don't know how far you think the state extends, but here on the other side of the Blue Ridge no Democrats (except for Creigh Deeds and other General Assembly members) know who you are.

And I'd be willing to bet folks in Loudoun, Fauquier, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Prince William - hell, Lionell, anywhere north and west of Richmond - probably didn't know who you were before Moran's finance report became public.

Fourth, "hard pressed" to find someone with more contacts? Bullshit. Dominic Gabello is sitting in Moran's office (Political Director), and he's got more contacts than Spruill (but he's not being paid $7,500/month). I've been active in the party less than 4 years, and I'm sure I have at least a quarter of Spruill's total number of contacts. 

Fifth, Moran's delegate finance report shows Spruill was paid beginning in January. $5,000 a month while the man was in Richmond supposedly working for his constituents? I have serious questions as to the ethics legality of making large payments to a legislator while the General Assembly is in session.

Frankly, someone is getting screwed. Delegate Spruill is prostituting his years of service in the General Assembly and the Democratic Party, and "John" Moran is getting taken to the cleaners. Eliot Spitzer got a better deal, and a better-looking one at that.

Moran should end this deal immediately. If Spruill believes Moran is the best candidate for governor, he can work for him like most of Moran's supporters do - for free. Or he can take a "modest" consulting contract of $1,000 a month, and spend his time on his real job - representing the citizens of the 77th House District.


Others are saying the same thing (Adam Sharp - 7/21/2008 10:37:13 AM)
Ben Tribbett at Not Larry Sabato also says this is a big mistake on Moran's part: http://notlarrysabato.typepad....