Rasmussen: Great news for Gilmore! He's only losing by 23 points now!

By: Rob
Published On: 7/18/2008 10:30:11 PM

Now, Mark Warner is only crushing Jim Gilmore by a 57-34% margin.  That's a meager 23 point lead, rather than the 27 point beat-down in the last Rasmussen poll of this race a month ago.  

That's a monumental 4 point swing in Gilmore's direction (pay no attention to the 4.5 point margin of error).

So, can we start calling him "Senator-Elect Gilmore" yet?  I think we can.


Must be divine intervention. (Johnny Camacho - 7/18/2008 11:51:49 PM)
My guess is that heavenly forces are shifting public opinion in favor of Jim Gilmore, who is the only real Conservative in the country, or so he told us a few times when he ran for President.

Let's not get cocky (humanfont - 7/19/2008 1:29:34 AM)
Look things are great now.  Warner is cruising to victory, but lets not be cocky.  We're just a macaca, or a deer head in a mailbox from losing this thing.  Heck gilmore will probably have signs up saying something like no income tax, by the time the election rolls around.  Never forget Mary Sue Terry.

I know, I know. (Rob - 7/19/2008 10:47:28 AM)
But in a Democratic wave year against an already well-known and disliked opponent?  Gilmore needs several dozen deer heads to get close.