Coal is what it is-VP candidates and coal

By: divingthewreck
Published On: 7/15/2008 3:43:36 PM

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Barack Obama shone some of his rays of hope on the climate movement.  He named "serious" action on global warming as one of the benchmarks for success in his first term.  

If I haven't gotten combat troops out of Iraq, passed universal health care and created a new energy policy that speaks to our dependence on foreign oil and deals seriously with global warming, then we've missed the boat.

In order to deal "seriously" with climate change, we need a moratorium on new coal plants.  According to James Hansen, "it's just silly to build a new one now."  And yet VP hopeful, our own Governor Tim Kaine, aggressively pushed for his and Dominion's coal plant in Wise County.   As Gov. Kaine says on this video, "There are some who say that you can't build any new coal plants, and I don't agree with that."  

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Another VP hopeful, Kathleen Sebelius, has a record on coal that is much more promising than Gov. Kaine's.  She made herself a hero by standing up to a Republican legislature and strong utilities by blocking a coal plant from being built.  Even the Republicans have a strong hero in the VP running.  Florida Governor Charlie Crist successfully halted the construction of a new coal plant and stated his strong support of renewable energy.

Coal is what it is and I know it's been an important source of energy in the past. But you know we have solar, we have nuclear, we have wind and other alternative opportunities for energy in the Sunshine State.

It's obvious that Kaine supports coal.  He wants coal now, and he wants coal in the future.   Is this going to meet up with Obama's stated goal, to seriously address global warming?


Sebelius (floodguy - 7/15/2008 4:37:14 PM)
For the record, last May the a utility proposed two coal generators.  One she approved, the second she did not. On another case, she offered to approve a coal plant with concession for renewables and some plant modification.  On that bid, the utility rejected the offer, so the proposal died.  

Let's not forget offshore drilling... (Eileen Levandoski - 7/15/2008 9:44:49 PM)
Another point of contention between Obama (opposes) and Kaine (supports).