Hillary Clinton: Republicans Should Apologize to Country

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/13/2008 8:42:21 PM

This speech rocks.  See 5:45-7:10 in particular for some serious fireworks, including her line, "the Republicans should hold a press conference tomorrow and apologize to the country and say they're just not going to run anybody for president this time."


What about those majorities? (J.R. - 7/13/2008 11:35:13 PM)
Wow.  This is rich, SENATOR.

Anything she mentioned in the last three of four minutes could have been -- and still could be -- propsed as legislation by Sen. Obama or herself.

What has she done on energy, healtcare, or higher education since Democrats gained the majority in the House and Senate since 2006?

Just more empty rhetoric.

Oh, really? (Teddy - 7/14/2008 6:36:41 PM)
Empty? The record of obstructionism by Republicans in Virginia's Assembly is but a reflection of the obstructionism in the national Congress. Every single effort by Democrats to do something constructive has been stymied---- endlessly, by the Republican President, and by Republicans in Congress and the media, who acted like plaque clogging the arteries of Congress.  

Conservative, you have chosen an odd name for yourself to sign your comment: "Conservative" is not by any means synonymous with "Republican," which should have been your choice of monicker. Conservatives, if there were any left on the Hill, should have been outraged by Bush's shredding of the Constitution, by his unitary executive theory, by his interference with personal privacy in situations like the Terri Schiavo case, by his cruel and ineffectual response to Katrina, and by his endorsement of torture, not to mention his outrageous deficits and profligate spending. When one has been a Democrat in Congress during this era of Bush reactionary radicalism one has been too busy fighting these alligators even to try to drain the swamp, especially considering that one received no help from so-called conservatives who should have been allies. Conservative, I suggest you re-think your comment.