Barnie Blasts Both - Kilgore and Kaine Campaigns, That Is

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/22/2005 1:00:00 AM

Recommended Reading

Over at the all-around excellent The Augusta Free Press, former Delegate Barnie Day (D-Patrick County) rips into both the Kaine and Kilgore campaigns for "acting like high-schoolers," for failing to talk about the real issues, and for "insulting us" with their promises to cut taxes and raise spending. 

I've gotta say, I think ol' Barnie is on to something here.  I mean, honestly, who cares "how many signs you put up at the Shad Planking" or "How many signatures you turned in?"  Are those the most important issues facing Virginians these days? 

Sure, it's still early, and that means there's going to be a lot of silliness, but aren't elections supposed to be about something?  Like perhaps a governing philosophy or vision for where the candidate wants to lead the state?  Or is this election all about who can be the biggest "Pander Bear," offering non-solutions to non-problems and bad solutions to real problems?

As Barnie Day - unquestionably one of the best writers and analysts of the Virginia political scene -  says, "I know telling the truth may seem counter-intuitive some days. But we're adults. Go on. Give it a try. We can take the truth." 

You can say that again, Barnie!


you people scare me. (Krista - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)
you people scare me. heh. kennys in high school now. and you wouldn't be half so impressed by him if you ate lunch with him everyday.


did anybody bother to mention that hes a rising debater now?

What? I never threw (Kenton - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)
What? I never threw a chair at anyone!

(If I was George Bush I would chalk this up to "youthful indiscretions", but Zack just made this one up :))

That story is just a (Zack - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)
That story is just a figment of our imagination but i hope you enjoyed it

Thats my website but (Zack - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)
Thats my website buts it nothing like kenton i been freinds with kenton and i gaurentee you he will be the first asian president (unless someone is elected before him) and yes he is in 8th grade and goes to Washington Irving he was not excepted into Thomas Jefferson for lack of his poor grades  anyway this kid is amzing and will go far remember that Name Kenton Ngo (kenton i will be your in your cabinet when your prez or be your Vp ok?) thats what i though if you go to my xanga its just a blog and not anything to do with politics becuase alot of my freinds happen to be republicans and would murder me if i made any sites about politics but i am deeply interested in it,if i do say so myself

Well Kenton You are becoming more famous by the minute and since everyone will be able to see this i would like to tell a story of our dear freind kenton

IN sixth Grade a teacher threw a chair at him becuase he was so anfry at kenton and in anger kenton imidiatly threw a chair back at the teacher (Mr. Ridpath) and most though he would be expelled but instead Mr. Ridpath simply smiled and said "Now THAT's the kind of kid i like!!"

aww good times kenton


i concur (yuyu - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)

YAY!!! Go Kenton (Katie - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)

Actually, yes I am. (Kenton - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)
Actually, yes I am. But if I seem older than I am, so be it. :)

Correction: I think (Ben - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)
Correction:  I think Kenton is a middle school student.  Even more amazing.

*swoon* *blushes* (Kenton - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)

micros!Simms joust s (game - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)
micros!Simms joust sentencing.nipple Kuhn wade

Barnie is our best h (Ben - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)
Barnie is our best hope for a future statewide race.  He's progressive, partisan and articulate.  What more could we want?

Check Out This Websi (Carla - 4/4/2006 11:26:16 PM)
Check Out This Website I stumbled on to for great commentary on VA House of Delegate Races.