Dana Milbank: Treasury Deeply Shaken by Economic Prospects

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 7/6/2008 11:25:27 PM

To judge by this pitiful attempt at a press conference held by the Treasury department's sacrificial spin goat, it will be raining stock brokers on wall street for the foreseeable future.  I wasn't really scared before.  Now, I'm stocking up on canned food and making sure I've got plenty of ammo for the 9mm.  If Bernanke ever gave a FOMA report like this, the world would instantly pitch headlong into economic meltdown and might never recover.

Sheeooot... this really has me terrified.


hilarious (floodguy - 7/7/2008 1:27:04 PM)
I wonder just how often that guy gives press conferences.  He may just be a newby at this sort of thing(?), or perhaps, something more deeper is in store - in that case, save your money and don't buy valium, buy gold.  Hoping the fed raises rates sooner rather than later.  Need to worry more about runaway inflation destroying consumer demand.  At this point in the ballgame, growth reduction wouldn't necessary be a bad thing.  Save, reduce debt and live small.  

European banks are advising (Teddy - 7/7/2008 3:27:29 PM)
that the United States is heading deeper into financial crisis; some, like Barclay's, appear to be engaging in measured withdrawal of funds from American banks, a sort of bank run in slow motion (so far). We all know that the statistics used by the government gurus and by the Fed are hopelessly skewed, especially when it comes to inflation and jobs, and are routinely "adjusted" the next month or next year. Shadow Statistics and other economists who do their own work tell us inflation is more like 10 to 11 percent (and rising rapidly), and real job loss is probably a 100,000 more than BLS figures. Continued happy talk and continued jiggering of stats for political reasons has put the figures so far out of whack with reality that even boobus consumerus is beginning to notice, and "consumer confidence" is clearly in the tank, too. You are correct: maybe we should all stock up on canned goods, gold, other tangible items of value, and hunker down. Pity the next President, who will have to deal with the perfect storm.  

Dana ought to do this kind of (KathyinBlacksburg - 7/7/2008 10:13:04 PM)
guerrilla video more often.  The format becomes him...  Is there hope for (some of) the so-called MSM yet?