The reviews are in! The Candy Cane Davis holiday special stinks! (#5)

By: Rob
Published On: 1/11/2006 2:00:00 AM

With the Christmas season ending, people are taking stock of their gifts - those to keep and those to return. And they?re thinking about all those holiday sales and specials.  One ?special? in particular ? Rep. Jo Ann Davis?s drama about poor little candy canes ? has got a lot of people talking. And not in a good way. I?ll start posting the reviews for your reading enjoyment.

We've had San Antonio, a national conservative blog, and now Ohio checking in!  Review number five from columnist Roberta de Boer raises sarcasm to an art form.  Here's a snippet:

Washington this week acted decisively to protect America from the ravages of war - the so-called War Against Christmas.

Yes, the House of Representatives bravely passed a resolution in favor of "the symbols and traditions of Christmas."

Whew. Just in time. I have been living in mortal dread of the day someone greets me at a Target checkout counter with such hostility as "Happy Hannukah!" or "Happy Holidays!"

Thank heaven for such warriors of the Christian faith as Rep. Jo Ann Davis (R., Va.), sponsor of the long-overdue measure to protect all things Christmas, who fears that Santa Claus, Christmas trees, candy canes, and "even the colors red and green" are imperiled.

Jo Ann Davis, patron saint of candy canes.

Follow the chain of previous reviews by starting here.
