Its Here. Its Now, Its NEWT !

By: hereinva
Published On: 6/16/2008 12:35:16 PM

Its the ubiquitous soundbyte that is repeated by the conservative crews ad nauseum:"Drill Here, Drill Now- Pay Less". Its part of the Newt Gingrich's  527 American Solutions,"Platform for the American People".

The person who practiced the fine art of partisan politics, and brought us the Contract On America
is offering up a mix of  Platform Platitudes- because apparently, 8 years of a Republican Administration with a majority Republican Congress (until 2006), wasn't time enough for a  government bathtub drowning

So now its phase II : TIME FOR CHANGE and the Newtster has got a plan , got some cash, and a method of distribution via the Republican Party and candidates:

"June 04, 2008

Virginia GOP Adopts 71 Planks of the Platform of the American People!
The Virginia GOP held its state convention this past weekend.  Here are a few highlights:
Led by State Rep, Chris Saxman, the VA GOP created and passed its first ever platform, and incorporated 71 planks of the Platform of the American People!

U.S. Rep. Eric Cantoris the Chief Deputy Republican Whip of Congress. He led the Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less charge and enthused the crowd chant it after him.
Volunteer Suzanne Curran signed up 151 attendees on the Drill Here, Drill Now petition and passed out 100 bumper stickers"

read more here

The platform is peppered with the usual conservative "privatize, profitize, proselytize"approach to government including this interesting proposal:

"A real time verification system should be established to verify immigration status and it should be outsourced to companies like American Express, Visa, or MasterCard so businesses can immediately identify whether or not someone has forged papers. (73 to 20)"

So there we have it, "The Conservative Agenda" re-packaged and parading as a platform for the "American People", in the guise of "CHANGE" when it really means Same Ole Stuff-different 527.
