McSame Arrogance, McSame Delusion, McSame Lies

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 6/11/2008 9:59:51 AM

[UPDATE: McCain today said that bringing the troops home from Iraq is "Not too important".
See VIDEO here
This sounds a lot like Bush asserting that he doesn't worry about Osama very much, and is the kind of tin-eared idiocy that will assure McSame's spiral towards irrelevance.]  

If you liked the years of delusion, lies and arrogance under President Bush, you'll love more of the Same from John McCain!  4 More Years!  4 More Years!  4 More Years!

The operative question at this point is this:  As McCain spirals into irrelevance, how is it that he continues to be one of the most astonishing gaffe-producers in American political history?

Here's a quick list of some of McCain's greatest gaffes (below the fold):
* Sunni=Shia
* Iran is training Al Qaeda
* Purim = Jewish Halloween
* Putin = President of Germany
* "I blame the press", "I didn't say I blame the press", "oh, I did say I blame the press"
* General Petraeus travels Iraq markets in an unarmored humvee! guffaw

That's just a quick list of highlights, there's much more.  When you couple this with a listing of pandering flip-flops that put "Flipp" Romney to shame, you have to be left with the sense that this politician is either too deluded or too slippery to pass the Commander-in-Chief test.

Johathan Alter has this explanation:

I don't think he's senile, I think that he is caught in an old politics where politicians routinely just said you know, black is white, white is black and blue is grey and they got away with it for many, many years [Alter tells a couple of anecdotes about a time McCain is more familiar with...before radio and the FDR era] So McCain just can't get away with this kind of thing anymore in the new era, in the YouTube era.  And it's a learning curve for him to get up to speed, to recognize he's living with new rules.

I guess McCain is just not honest enough to survive politics in the 21st century, which is one more reason that I see this as Obama's election to lose.


Please forgive my spelling error (The Grey Havens - 6/11/2008 10:02:48 AM)
Al Qaeda doesn't start with a capital "A".

But then I'm not running for president and basing my candidacy on the premise that I'm a foreign policy expert.

"Al Qaeda doesn't start with a capital 'A,'"... (BP - 6/11/2008 11:09:28 AM)
unless, of course, you're talking about Albert (aka "Al") Qaeda, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Qaeda.  

I think this is how McCain later explained his assertion that Iran is training Al Qaeda.  According to recent intelligence reports, Iran is, in fact, training Albert Qaeda as an accountant to help keep track of all those petrodollars we are sending to Iran.  So, you see, this wasn't a gaffe by McCain at all.  

"It's not too important when our troops come home" (Shenandoah Democrat - 6/11/2008 11:36:20 AM)
According to the gospel of John McSame it's not too important when out troops come home from Iraq.
See it here-

This guy has some serious degenerative speech and memory problems which will only get worse. I guess we're going to have to listen to his daily delusional deceptive diatribes until November.
He's making Bob Dole look fascinating and charming!