With a Straight Face, John McCain Said Obama Would be Bad for Business

By: KathyinBlacksburg
Published On: 6/10/2008 5:43:51 PM

Surely, John McCain has no sense of irony.  But we  bwa-ha-ha'd at (some of) his remarks today anyway.  It seems John McCain, the one and the same John McSame, says Barack Obama would be bad for business. And he has the nerve to look Americans in the face.
John McCain and his crony clone, George W. Bush, have presided over AND caused the worst economic crisis since 1929 and McSame has the gall to utter a word in criticism of ANY Democrat.

PS Johnny, you're looking a little green in the gills.  Perhaps you are making yourself sick at the foolishness of your own remarks.

Obama was quick to fire back that McCain mislead about Obama's proposals.  Read about it here.  

In addition, one of the ways McCain would free up business from regulations is to eliminate the tax credit for health insurance to employees.  This is a step in the wrong direction, but that doesn't stop McCain from proposing his Draconian plan for so-called health savings accounts.  These would actually take health care funds out of the system and into private bank accounts, which would help the well and the wealthy, but harm the less advantaged and the sick.

But when it comes to McCain's life-boat theory of health care, its' every person for himself and God help us all. Americans deserve better than this.  So do American businesses.  Certainly this is no laughing matter.  

Our nation's collective health is too important.  And our tattered economy is too important to risk it in the hands of an incompetent supply-sider.  The Milton Friedman acolytes in this administration settled that once and for all.  They cannot be entrusted again with our economy, or our cities following natural disasters.  Their brand of disaster capitalism and war profiteering have been shown for the frauds that they are. They, and McCain, should be run out of Washington.
