Liveblogging DNC RBC Meeting

By: Kip
Published On: 5/31/2008 9:38:17 AM

Here is the scene: Hillary supporters are out front protesting. Inside it is mainly an Obama dominated crowd at least in the section I am sitting. Ok business should be about to start. Here is is hoping that the delegates get cut in half.  
Alexis Herman: Welcome all of you. Much bigger than normal. Welcome to overflow room. Call roll. James Roosevelt: Calling Roll.

Microphone etiquette. Sarah Swisher daughter getting marrried. Quorum met.

The Pledge.

James: Take back the White House.

Howard Dean speaks. What a great transition. "First woman or African-American. Extraordinarily greatful. I want to thank all of them, espcially Obama and Clinton. Transformed our party. When we show up everywhere we can win everywhere (50 state strategy). There are challenges. People from all walks of life have come to support us. 35 million people. How great that is! Special Election victory. Women more than 1/2 sometimes 60%. Young voters tripled and quadraluped. Growing dem identification. Twice as many people voted in Democratic Ohio primary than in the Republican. We are ready for change and we will have that change. In Texas it is ready to turn blue. Difficult campaign but strenghtened our party. Media tried to tell us what to do but we made our own choice. Our work is just beginning. Get involved in other races. Knock on doors, make calls. State by state and precicnt by precinct. Cynics will look for conflict. Democratic process is about disagreement, and can be united. Dean my campaign a little shorter. There were somethings done that aroused passions. I was very angry at my party. Went on rant with Al Gore who said it's not about you but about the country. Al Gore had presidency snatched by bankrupt judges (wow!). This is about restoring our country. Heated, sexist and racist remarks no place in society or our party. Healing begins with MI & FL. Thank the extraordinary leadership.

3 Principles
1) Respect voters in FL and MI who voted and did  
2) Respect the bodies that followed the rules
3) Respect 48 states that followed the rules Party Unity will be on display in Denver (let's hope). This will guide our work in the coming months.

Standing O for Howard.

James Roosevelt: The determination of everyone to be here is a testament of the enthusiasm of the process. If them many people come for a rules committee meeting watchout because we're gonna hit the doors.

Alexis Herman: Our specific charge was to review the primary and caucus calendar. What could we do to alter that the calendar. The concern was to have more states in the pre-window. Year long process of how to have more diversity in ethnicity, economics and geography. The commission looked to see how we can add 2 states. We engaged in a process of debate to see which states should go first. Very competitive process with 12 states. MI was one. In the end, NV and SC were moved into the prewindow. We wanted to respect the first primary in the nation for NH and IA for caucus. We thought we needed to add another for primary and caucus states. We are here today because two states violated before Feb 5. The two states that violated were FL and MI. Spirited very inclusive. Here are to specifically consider the challenge. We need to reconsider our discretion and revisit the sanctions. Lots of technical questions: We have to revisit the discretion to impose this sanction. We imposed the maximum 100% penatly not 50% penalty. We chose 100% for two reasons vigorous process. Many states wanted to violate that timing. Very strong signal to prevent additional states from moving up. Also when no delegates are at stake candidates were free to campaign in those states. Set lots of different standards for campaigning. We thought candidates would be able to campaign. Our primary reason to prevent other states to move forward.

(Just heard Herman supports Clinton any confirmation?)

Roosevelt: FL asked this committee to move up. Also action of GOP Gov and legislature. Rules found them in non-compliance. Under the Supreme Court first amendment, have force of law. Loss of all delegates. Seriousness and deter other states. This committee imposed 100% loss from Jan 20 primary. The meeting late last August candidates were deciding strategy. There was indication that other states might move up so the first would have been in Thanksgiving or December. FL could and should conduct it's own party run event. Other states have done this: ND, WA, DC. There was a track record for what to do. DNC had conversations about the FI and MI leaders. It could run an alternative. Leadership of the DNC found it in non-compliance discussed an alternative with funding partially available. State party concluded it would be logistically impossible to plan for. A challenge from John Osman from FL.

Osman didn't name a adverse group affected. Whole committee. Two claims: 1) DNC charters that superdelegates denies representation 2) Issue of timing. Here it is: POI: Clinton and Obama campaigns have intervened. We will hear from both campaigns.

John Osman limited to 15 minutes: Thank you very much. We look forward to your consideration. Recognize Bill Nelson and Bob Graham. We need to deal with the current issues. This should bring us together in our blue jerseys against republicans. We want superdelegates to get there full vote and delegates 50% is what we are asking for.

This appeal does not cover the three unpledged delegates. Appeal 1) Charter of Democratic Party was adopted with 2/3 votes. Supreme document of our party. Any bylaws are subordinate to this charter. Article II, Section 4(h)(i) Charter of Democratic Party of the US shall be allowed to service as unpledged delegates. Language of the charter that no delegates shall be chosen by a process with representation. I disagree with the staff. These delegates are chosen in the year of the convention. Is that a timing violation? Did your Senators violate the timing rule? Superdelegates not subject to selection rules. Only Democrats could vote for Bill Nelson? If you want to punish me for supporting you. Who tried to get another process selected. You cannot do it. (What about respecting the decision?) Now the second appeal. FL moved the primary to Jan 29. FL violated the time rule. FL found in non-compliance. Good to know we are still dealing reality at least part of the time.

I don't see any language delegates = vote. Charter or superdelegates don't have immunity. What is your legal authority? No language in the charter that you can diminish it. It is an assumption. Different rules for charter delegates and territories than others?

I want to insert that Osman is incorrect. Nothing suggests that they have any distinction above any other delegates. The plan was to ensure that they have the same perogatives and power as pledged ds. Walk with me for a moment. If we took a 50% penalty was the maximum. The margin of difference depends on how we applied the rules.

Wow we just had the post-reconstruction and Republicans take away our vote.

Ok we are back.

Senator Bill Nelson: very greatful for the opportunity. Thank the hundreds of FL in support of the right to vote (what about those who didn't?)

We are here to give voice to people of FL. Floridians concerned about Iraq, economy, and health care. But they want their vote to count. Must address this issue:
1) Do you count the votes from Jan. 29? Uphold sacred principle one one vote.
2)How do you apportion the vote? My solution is that the entire delegation is seated with results. At a minimum consider reinstating the maximum. Voters turned out in droves. (Can someone fact check?) 2 million voters would be unfairly punished. I need not tell this committee about votes being taken. Votes disenfrachised by GOP. In the weeks leading up to this primary. This time media told us that votes wouldn't count.  (This guy should be press-secretary for Bush). Vote certified by Sec of state (Katherine Harris anyone?). People went to the polls to cast their vote for a presidential campaign. There was a silence in FL. People took it to the streets. Specific example of grassroots organizer. Mary Mooney here we go.

Nelson keeps appropriating civil rights language. This guy is really over the top. Race for nomination is not over. Dispute about these delegates ought to be resolved today. This election is in your hands.

What about the FL who sayed home?

You said voters were told not to vote over and over again. What do we say to them?

Take that!

We had almost 2 million voters. They don't want to be pushed aside.

Couple factual questions: over and over again Democratic officials didn't vote in favor of it?

FL legislature controlled by the GOP. To reform elction machines and paper trail. Democratic leaders offered an amendment to push it back but those amendments were defeated. Election passed unaminously. It is the law of FL. You have it in your power to recognize the number of delegates.

Let say this people voted for it but there is an explanation. FL dems tried to get an alternative.

No sir! I came here in a spirit of unity. Wanted to look forward. Let me answer the question. 880,000 dollars to run a caucus would not be enough. Would not give participation. I was involved since day one. I was trying to find a compromise. We made a serious attmept to have another election. We proposed a mail-in ballot but too much disgreement. We tried over and over and over.

Senator Joyner - representing Clinton. Thanks Clinton. Life story . . . She knows she has a time limit right?
This year 35 million people have voted for something different.

Fl issues and demographics.

We cannot and should not ignore their votes. Example, example, example
Let our voice be heard. Abraham Lincoln. We are missing the people. My state has suffered enough.

Poor FL didn't have candidates visit. This challenge has brought us here today. Keep our eyes on the prize? (Really?)

We need to be focused on winning in November. Have the power to say yes. Theft of people's right to be heard. Count every vote.

Clinton supporters cheer, cheer, cheer

We should come out this process with a seating of FL delegates. Wouldn't that number of 1.75 million voters have been 3 million?

We would have doubled it. (Wow that's a surprise)

I want it all, not just half.

Donna Brazile: 2000 election we do know that the disenfranchisement has taken place. My question goes to the heart of the diversity. Have we me all the other categories? Justice rolls down all the streams? Is it diverse? Are all the requirements?

Yes it is in full compliance.

Does it matter if ten or 20 voted?

Absolutely every vote counts.

Clinton's person is done.

Question is out of order.

Obama for President Congressman Robert Wexler.

I represent Floridians who take their civic duty seriously. Our FL voters are frustrated. We must improve the climate. We support a resolution that Would allow the DNC to come to a resolution. The committee was acting in good faith. SC and NV went first in addition. FL wanted to add it's voters to the rule. I wish it would have applied. Our state acted outside the rules of this proces. This election was held without delegates. Neither Clinton nor Obama campaigned. Not a normal election process. Not campaigning hurt Obama totals. Obama respected the rules. DNC rejected another election. The entire FL house delegation not to hold a second primary with two disputed elections. We must resolve this situation and bring it to a close. 50% reduction. John Osman has asked for a 50%. I ask this committee in accordance with the Osman 50%. Senator Obama offers this concession. Please take notice of what you have heard. If we can be unified let's reinstate with a half vote for each. Time for the campaigns and rules committee to reach a compromise.

What happened when people who came and didn't when you had your event? Property tax issues on the ballot Jan. 29. How do we respect those who don't vote?

This one was extraordinary turnout. But hundreds of thousands more would have turned out. Only state in the union where GOP higher than the Dem turnout. Compromise is necessary. Puts FL in a position to honor Floridians in November.
Let us unify.

You would not oppose full delegation? Osman committee can decision.

Ickes: What concession is being made by the Obama campaign?

First by the time FL, voted there was no contest like today. We support the Osman petition. You have the power to determine those delegates. It is a significant concession because it gives Clinton 19 delegates.

Concept of fair reflection? No answer

This is geting interesting

Does your plan as you understand it constitute a reslatting?

The Obama campaign takes the view it did not have the chance to create a slate. Obama campaign wants to review that slate.

Alice Huffman some us believe the Democrats were not responsible for what happened. Why would there be disunity?

I wish you had asked that question last year. FL was penalized at 100 percent. Don't fault us for coming up with a plan to unify us.

You were very eloquent but I wished you would have had answered the question. I couldn't have seen such a primary a year ago? Here we are today.

Osman petition is based on the % that each candidate one. Voters rights. Fought for five years. I took the case all the way up the courts.

Mr. Wexler is done.

We will debate this issue, now to MI.


Herman: Context of MI. Candidates withdrew their names. MI tried to move away from this primary early on. 100% penalty applied. MI thought about having another primary. State party concluded it was logistically impossible.

The challenger is the state party chair Mark Brewer.

69 Clinton / 59 Obama. This is represented and supported by many groups. This will be a tough general election. This is the proposal that we support.

Delegation should be seated entirely. Punished enough. Must win state. 54 states and territories have participated. MI has been bypassed. Obama made no stops for months. Clinton only two stops. McCain visits MI says how Dems don't care about their fire. It will hinder our ability to win.

We are asking for a waiver. The 50% reduction was written as a deterrant not necessary.

69/59. The original vote is not fair. 55 uncommitted delegates. MI Democratic Party concerned about their support was to vote uncommitted. Used earned media, published materials. To vote uncommitted. 40% for uncommitted.

Battery is going, let me end with prediction:

FL 1/2
MI 69/59

We will see

UPDATE by Lowell 2:12 pm: Courtesy of the Hotline blog:

Former MI Rep. David Bonior, a Barack Obama backer, was booed and hissed today when he called for the RBC to split the state's delegates between the presidential candidates.

"We cannot stand on ceremony and focus on anything other than amicable resolution for Michigan Democrats," Bonior said. "Let us concern ourselves with party unity."


Mark Brewer, chairman of the MI Democratic Party, urged the RBC to seat the entire 157-member MI delegation at full voting strength and to divide the state's 128 pledged delegates, 69 for Hillary Clinton and 59 for Barack Obama.

The plan, Brewer said, is overwhelmingly supported by the 80-member MI Dem Party executive committee.


Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) slammed the traditional lead-off role of Iowa and New Hampshire in the Democratic nominating process, telling the RBC that the early states aren't representative of the broader electorate.


Levin urged the committee to seat the MI delegation in full and with full voting rights. He cautioned: "Do not inject disunity" into the state's voting process.

"It was a flawed primary folks, believe me we know it," he added.

Hillary Clinton's campaign will advocate a 73/55 delegate split, with her taking the majority over Barack Obama, Levin advised. Obama's team, meanwhile, wants an even split, 64/64.


Harold Ickes also dubbed the Michigan proposal one of "enormous violence." He cited the inaccuracy of exit polls and noted that the principle of "fair reflection" should guarantee that delegate allocation reflect the actual vote tally.


Levin fired back: "You're calling for a fair reflection of a flawed primary. What we're trying to do is to keep a party together so that we can win a critical state in November. And let me tell you the precedent that we set it seems to me is a good precedent if circumstances like this ever existed again. ... It's an unusual circumstance."


Thanks for the reminder. I just turned on C-Span. Maybe I'll you on TV. (Tom Counts - 5/31/2008 9:48:43 AM)

cnn, msnbc, foxnews (pvogel - 5/31/2008 9:50:35 AM)
all of them are looking at the proceedings, spinning it the way they want.

I predict the delegates get cut in half, and  get restored  in full after Hillary concedes.

1/2 (Kip - 5/31/2008 11:29:53 AM)
I agree half is probably what is going to happen.

Who does Harold Ickes remind you of? (spotter - 5/31/2008 12:18:08 PM)
Voldemort or Snape?  Probably too bloodless for either of them.

He reminds me of a pile of dog dung (DanG - 5/31/2008 12:30:27 PM)

Snape turned out to be ok in the last book.... (proudvadem - 5/31/2008 1:23:04 PM)
Voldemort...not so much...

LOL....good one!

Sorry. (spotter - 5/31/2008 1:35:13 PM)
I wouldn't want to be unfair to Snape.  Maybe Voldemort when Peter Pettigrew was carrying him in his arms, the weak embodiment of all that is evil.

Exactly.... (proudvadem - 5/31/2008 1:40:29 PM)
But....he is speaking like Pettigrew...
Wow Spotter, this is hard.

Would Brazille be Hermione?
Dean as Dumbledore?

Howard Dean is gay? ; ) (DanG - 5/31/2008 1:49:41 PM)

I forgot about that... (proudvadem - 5/31/2008 1:57:21 PM)
I had always held out hope that Minerva McGonagall and Dumbledore were going to get together.

And the more this drags out, the more I think that HRC is resembling Dolores Umbridge.

Wow, good call (DanG - 5/31/2008 2:07:27 PM)
That one totally works for me.

So who's Obama?  You seem pretty good at this...

He's Harry Potter, of course... (proudvadem - 5/31/2008 2:12:26 PM)
Overcoming adversity, strong leadership....all that...
I just can't figure out who is Hagrid...

Lanny Davis is definitely Malfoy (proudvadem - 5/31/2008 2:40:26 PM)
Check out this exhange....Whew!
From the Huff Po:  

Bill Clinton (spotter - 5/31/2008 2:52:05 PM)
is Cornelius Fudge.

Fudge was a wuss (DanG - 5/31/2008 2:57:49 PM)
Bill is no wuss, dude.  Maybe Snape.  He's a bad guy right now, but he'll be a good guy again at the end of it all.

Maybe (spotter - 5/31/2008 3:13:19 PM)
Bill Clinton is Mad-Eye Mooney.  He drank the polyjuice potion, and the real Bill Clinton is locked away in a trunk somewhere.  He's probably not alone in the trunk, either ....

Congressman Robert Wexler.... (Flipper - 5/31/2008 12:28:47 PM)
just cleaned Harold Ickes clock - that was riveting!

My MSNBC feed... (legacyofmarshall - 5/31/2008 1:45:22 PM)
Is wigging out at this point.  Presumably because of the bad weather here in the DC area.  Last I saw Carl Levin was showing Harold I. his place.  Any updates?  Anyone else suffering from this?

Howard Dean's comments (Lowell - 5/31/2008 2:25:59 PM)
"Thank you all for coming.

"This has been an extraordinary primary season. And we know it will be an historic election.

"The Democratic Party is going to nominate either the first woman or the first African American to be our party's nominee.   I believe that the person we choose will be elected president in November.

"Our party is so fortunate to have had such a strong field of Democratic candidates in this race.  I want to thank all of our candidates and especially the two outstanding individuals who are now in the race: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

"I know it has been a long and hard fought race.  Throughout the course of this campaign you two have helped transform our party.

"You have proven that when we show up and talk about our values, Democrats can win everywhere.  You have helped to make our party stronger.  So thank you and thanks to your hardworking campaigns.

"While I will not try to gloss over the challenges of this extended primary I do want to take a step back and look at what our hard work has helped to accomplish.

"From Mississippi to Montana, Ohio to Oregon.  Americans -- women, men, Hispanics, African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, young people, veterans, homemakers, educators, health care workers, students, retirees,  Democrats, Independents and even Republicans, of all shapes and sizes have come out to support our two outstanding candidates and the values we share.

"Over 35 million people have come out to support our candidates all across our country.

"In state after state women represented well over half of Democratic voters, sometimes 60 percent.

"Young voters have tripled and in some cases quadrupled previous turnout - in fact 58 percent of voters under 30 now identify as a Democrat or lean Democratic, while only 33 percent associate with Republicans.

"Consider that in Ohio, twice as many people participated in the Democratic primary as in the Republican primary--2.2 million for Democrats compared to 1 million for Republicans--and thousands of Ohio Republicans switched parties to vote for a Democrat.

"In fact, in seven counties in Ohio--Putnam, Brown, Shelby, Belmont, Warren, Delaware, and Clarmont--the vote totals for our two Democratic candidates in the 2008 primary exceeded the votes for John Kerry in the general election in each of those counties.

"In Texas this year, more people voted in the Democratic primary than voted in the 2004 general election on the Democratic side in the state.

"So while I know it has been a long, tough campaign, it also made our candidates and our party stronger.

"And while the punditocracy in the media tried to tell the American people what to think and what to do, you stood up and spoke loudly to have your voices heard.  And you made us all listen.  And the race continues to the final contests in Puerto Rico, and on Tuesday in South Dakota and Montana.

"To each and every one of you who has voted and who will yet vote, I say not only thank you, but remind you that our work is just beginning.  We need your help.  We need you to stay involved in this election and get involved in the other races that are going on in your community and your state.

"We need you to knock on doors, make calls, to talk to your neighbors about what's at stake in this election.  Together, state by state, door by door, vote by vote, we are going to take our country back and we cannot do it without you.

"I also want to thank all of you who showed up here on a Saturday to attend the Rules Committee meeting, those of you who are here inside the hall, watching from home or outside.  Cynics will look at today's proceedings and look only for conflict, they will not recognize your tremendous commitment to our country.

"They will not realize that your energy, your passion for your candidates and your enthusiasm, demonstrate that our party is strong enough to have disagreements.

"We are strong enough to struggle, and disagree, be angry, disappointed and still come together at the end of the day and be united.  The reason we are able to do this is because all of us, together in our passion and our emotion realize that this race is not about me, it's not about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the RBC or the reporters who are here to cover the event.  It's about restoring our great country.  

"Over the course of the primary there have been some tough disagreements and some ugly moments in this campaign. On the blogosphere, and the airwaves.  Emotions have run high and heated discussions have led at times to blatantly racist comments and, blatantly sexist comments particularly by some members of the media.  We know that those comments have no place in our society and certainly no place in our party.

"It has got to stop. We have got to come together and unite our party.  Every one of us has the responsibility to help ensure that our party is united.

"Part of that healing will begin with the discussion you will have today about Michigan and Florida.

"I want to thank the members of the DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee, led so ably by Jim Roosevelt and Alexis Herman. Thank you for the countless hours of hard work you've put in to set forward rules that have guided this process and in ensuring a fair process.

"As you work to find a resolution, I ask that you keep three key principles in mind to guide your discussion and deliberation:

   * Respect the voters of Florida and Michigan - not only those who turned out to vote, but also those who did not,
   * Respect our two candidates and their campaigns who followed the rules this body set forward over two years ago, and,
   * Respect the 48 states who did not violate the rules.

"Understandably, the compromise that you discuss here today will not make anyone completely satisfied.    

"Years ago a 'Democratic rules discussion' was almost an invitation for a food fight in a crowded room like this of Democratic activists.  We've moved beyond that - your actions today will put our party on a course of unity - a unity that will be on display in less than 90 days when we all meet again in Denver to showcase our nominee, the talent of the Democratic Party up and down the ticket and the values we share.  This is the unity that will guide our work in the coming months as we work hard towards Election Day to show up and ask Americans to put their trust in Democrats to restore our country.  This is the unity that we will show America when we inaugurate a Democratic president in January 2009 and the beginning of restoring our great country."

This is ridiculous... (Tom Joad (Kevin) - 5/31/2008 2:44:06 PM)
people should not be hooting and hollering at campaign talking points. This is a serious matter...not a campaign or sporting event. What in the hell was the DNC thinking about making this open to supporters?

Nah, it gives it energy... (snolan - 6/1/2008 9:39:29 AM)
When visiting the US Virgin Islands a few years back we were surprised to find that they treat their politics like sports there...  fascinating, and participation is pretty high; perhaps we are missing that in most of the continental US...

They just showed the Clinton protesters. (spotter - 5/31/2008 2:57:59 PM)
One or two dozen, gathered on a street corner.  Hope they didn't have to pay for more than one bus (and that the bus company got its money in advance).

Lanny Davis.... (Flipper - 5/31/2008 5:05:10 PM)
is such a twit.

Stimulus Check suggestion (snolan - 6/1/2008 9:42:40 AM)
We could all buy tool belts, hundreds of thousands of them, and send them to the Clinton campaign tools like Lanny and Harold as a gag.

Much like Hawaiian students collected thousands and thousands of pairs of used shoes for Imelda Marcos when she came to live on Oahu and complained in an interview that she'd left most of her beloved and famous shoe collection behind in the Philippines.

Used tool belts would be better...