All Virginia Obama State Delegates! I am Asking for your Vote on June 14th!!

By: Rebelma
Published On: 5/25/2008 11:43:34 AM

My name is Adrienne Ownby. I am a married (13yrs)  mother of two who is asking for your vote on June 14th at the State Convention to be a At Large Delegate for Senator Barack Obama.
I am not a well know whos who in Virginia, i live in Powhatan County- a deep red county- where i work very hard to get all of our democrats every vote i can. I am the former Chair of the PowDems (2005-07) and current Vice Chair.
I am very passionate about Obama(from the day i saw his DNC speech on tv in 2004- i wondered why he was not running instead of Kerry )if you were at VCU when Gov.Kaine was campaigning i was the very pregnagnt woman holding the "Obama 08" and "Obama where art Thou" signs(yes o'brother is one of my fave moives) I did not think he would run yet- i thought it would be Mark Warner and than Obama- once Warner said he would not run the time for Obama became now- I was part of the Draft Obama movement- have canvased-even in the rain on primary day i went door to door to get out every last Obama vote i could, made phone calls, regesterd voters and sent money- so you can rest assured that I would do you proud!
I am also a Working Class White Jewish Woman who never doubted nor wavered in my support for a day! please see my youtube page for our other "Virgina Democrat" video and how excited our son gets when he sees Obama on tv- they are under Rebelrouser69.You can also find me on
Thank you and i hope you see fit to vote for me!



State Delegate (vox populi - 5/26/2008 8:50:35 PM)
Hey Rebelma!

You've got my vote!  Maybe Obama should pick you as his VP!!