How much will Republican meddling impact the June 10th primary in the 11th district?

By: snolan
Published On: 5/14/2008 10:01:55 AM

According to the Virginia State Board of Elections, the only congressional districts with multiple candidates who filed from the same party are the 8th, 10th, and 11th districts.

The 8th has a Democratic challenger to Jim Moran and two Republicans vying for the nomination in the general.

The 10th is the same in reverse, a Republican challenger to Frank Wolf, and two Democratic vying for the nomination in the general.

The 11th is an open seat now, and there are four Democrats on the ballot, but only one Republican, so the Republicans in the 11th are free to cross over and mess with the Democratic primary by voting for someone they think cannot beat their candidate in the general election.

How much will this happen, will it matter?   Will it change the outcome?
I don't know the answers, but I do know that because the Republicans also decided to have no primary for their nomination of a candidate for US Senate, there is no reason at all for Republicans in the 11th to bother to vote in a Republican primary on June 10th.  They can sleep in, or mess with us at little or no cost.

Damn, damn, and double damn.

Fimian is also amassing a pretty sizable campaign chest.

I was, until I realized this, very positive that whomever won the primary would win the district, and that still may be true... but we have to watch out.

Of course, really smart Republicans might legitimately cross over to pick the best (in their opinion) Democratic candidate when they realize things will be tough in November for any Republican in the 11th.  In some ways, that would be just and reasonable, I just wish there were some small cost associated with that so only serious and legitimate cross-over voters would do it...  


I always worry about this too. (bladerunner - 5/15/2008 9:18:47 AM)
I've heard it's harder to do on GOP side, because they really work you over big time to make sure you're a real GOPer. Although, legally I don't think they can do anything about it. I am sure however that the GOPers have been messing with the presidential primaries. Of course Hillary is not helping matters by staying in the race either. Thanks for the post.