John McCain's "Spiritual Guide" on "demon spirits," destroying Islam, etc.

By: Lowell
Published On: 5/8/2008 6:06:33 PM

Again, let's see how much attention the "mainstream" (aka, certainly NOT "liberal") media gives THIS guy!


A result of Hillary being in the race (DanG - 5/8/2008 6:13:06 PM)
If it were Obama v McCain by now, this would be news.  Until Hillary gets out, it isn't (in the eyes of the MSM).  If Hillary doesn't get out soon, this becomes "old news", and therefore less entertaining than "breaking news."

McCain: Stupid, arrogant or what?? (Shenandoah Democrat - 5/8/2008 6:57:21 PM)
I just received an update from
"U.S. officials are being advised in government documents not to refer to US antagonists as "Islamic terrorists," or "jihadists," since these terms could alienate other Muslims from the U.S. and have the effect of legitimizing violent groups in the eyes of Muslims, UPI reports. But an aide to Senator McCain said he would continue to use the term "Islamic terrorism.""

Is this guy just stupid, arrogant or what??

Excuse me, since he doesn't know the difference between Shia and Sunni maybe this is just asking too much!

Let's see (Ron1 - 5/8/2008 7:01:28 PM)
Parsley: Islam/Muslims must be destroyed
Hagee: Catholicism is the Great Whore of Revelation, a false cult
Robertson/Falwell/Hagee: Homosexuals/abortionists/secular humanists/atheists brought [insert disaster here] upon America
Limbaugh/Hannity/Beck: Black preachers (and black churches) are crazy and scary

Quite a crew he's assembling. I'm sure Jews, Mormons, Hindus, Buddhists, Unitarians, etc. have also been demonized somewhere.

I think by the end of the campaign, they will indeed have quite the small tent under which to cry into their blessed beers together.


Parsley (Rebecca - 5/8/2008 9:51:49 PM)
Rev. Parsley is from Ohio and I have heard quite a bit about him from a friend I have in Ohio. He had hitched his star to Ken Blackwell, the former Republican secretary of state who kept the memory cards for the voting machines in his office prior to the 2004 election.

Parsley preaches what they call the prosperity gospel. That means basically that God wants good people to be rich. The implication here is that rich people are also better people that poor people. I'm very familiar with this type of Christianity having grown up around a lot of it. It is basically just a religious justification super capitalism and the dominance of the rich over the rest of us.

Sounds a lot like (Lowell - 5/8/2008 9:55:37 PM)
today's Republican Party.  Wonderful.