The Missing Debate

By: Randy Klear
Published On: 4/19/2008 1:24:16 PM

While Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were letting themselves be splattered with mud from Charlie "$200K" Gibson and Sean Hannity's new apprentice, George Stephanopoulos, they could have been preparing for a real debate of substance the following day. Instead, they and John McCain all passed on Science Debate 2008, an opportunity to hold a substantive debate on government policies toward science and its impact on American life, sponsored by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, the National Academy of Sciences and many, many others.

Imagine, a real debate on real-world challenges with questions from people who know what they're talking about. In retrospect, you have to wonder if either of them would have preferred it to more blather about lapel pins, Bosnian airports, and abusive questions from the press about who can better stand up to abuse from the press.
