RK Interview: Sam Rasoul

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/17/2008 9:05:25 AM

The following interview is with Sam Rasoul, Democratic candidate for Congress against Rep. Bob Goodlatte in Virginia's 6th CD. Since this interview was submitted, Sam's Democratic opponent Drew Richardson has withdrawn from the race, leaving Sam as the presumptive Democratic nominee in this district.

1. Why, in your own words, have you decided to run for the US House of Representatives this year?  What convinced you to get involved in politics at this level?
Amid all the calls for change there is one giant obstacle preventing real solutions for any of the great challenges facing our nation, the power and corruption of lobbyists and special interests. I believe we need to change that system before we can make the real progress we need on issues like Health Care, Education, and Jobs. Our Constitution has been under fire for too long, the Rule of Law evaporating under an ever-expanding Executive Branch.

The rest of the interview is on the "flip."

2.  How do you plan to defeat Bob Goodlatte given how entrenched he is in a Republican-leaning district?   Do you believe your relative youth and political inexperience will help or hurt you?
I plan to take on the issues head on, this campaign isn't Sam against Bob, it's Sam and the people against the lobbyists and special interests. I do not take money from Lobbyists or PACs. I believe the national political climate, as well as the local climate here in Virginia's 6th district is eager to move forward to real solutions.

When I started I thought my youth might be a weakness, but it has turned out to be quite an asset. Some people are initially weary of my youth, but when they listen to me speak and hear that I do understand the issues important to them, they often find my youth to be a sign that I have not yet been corrupted by the system, giving them confidence I will deliver on what I am saying, and I will.

The other piece is a strong, grass roots campaign, powered by the people in the neighborhoods. If you are interested in becoming a part of this process, please email info@samrasoul.us and join the team. We need to knock on as many doors and shake as many hands and call every voter up and down the district, I cannot do that without a great deal of help, give us a few hours a week and I will work to give you back the power lobbyists and special interests have taken from you.

3. Why should Democratic voters in the 6th district vote for you over your opponent, Drew Richardson?   Do you have any specific policy or ideological differences with Drew Richardson?
One difference that has become appear ant is that Mr. Richardson is against standing up and making an argument for something unpopular, even if it is the right thing to do. This came out in discussions about HR 676 during the recent debates, he said it wasn't politically feasible. I am running to be one of 435 Representatives of the 300+ million people of the United States and the only representative of the the 670,000+ people of Virginia's 6th Congressional District, if I don't stand up and make an argument for what is right, who will? If something is right, it is my job as Congressman to stand up and make it politically feasible.

Time and time again Democrats have settled for an incremental approach to solving the great problems, every time we get nothing fixed and the other side gets a great photo-op with headlines applauding the "great solution" they got...when it fixes nothing. Campaign Finance reform is a great example of how we compromised and ended up with nothing we wanted. Band aid solutions only make it harder to get REAL SOLUTIONS, we must press for the right solution the first time.

In 2008, we are very likely to gain seats in the House, Senate and White House - why would we not be making our arguments now for the right solutions? I look forward to working with Senator Mark Warner in 2009 crafting legislation that provides real help to Virginians.

Mr. Richardson has stated it does not matter what he or I believe if we don't make it to the halls of Congress in November. In a district where no Democrat has run in a decade, it does matter, we need someone to build the party in this district and spread the message of Democratic Principles. That said, I intend to win, and build the party in the process.

I need people to get involved and join me, stand with me in support of HR 676, stand with me against the lobbyists and special interests, stand with me against a corrupt system that systematically dissolves the goodness from people, join my campaign and help make these real changes happen, email info@samrasoul.us for information on how you can become a part of our team.

4. At this point, would you favor an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, a gradual exit strategy, or what?
A phased withdrawal over 18-24 months. We need a political solution or there will never be stability in the region, with or without American military influence.

5.  Is it acceptable for Iran to have nuclear weapons, and if not, what would you advocate doing about it?
Any nation having nuclear weapons is a bad thing, the world would be a better place if they could be uninvented. The 2007 National Intelligence Estimate reported Iran ended its Nuclear weapons programs in 2003, with a "high level of confidence".

We need to increase stability in the region and use diplomacy to help bring Iran to democracy and more America-friendly governments to power. There is no call for unilateral action, troops on the ground, or spurring our allies (what few we have left) to hostile action. We need diplomacy in the region and to return America's image to the level of respect we once held throughout the world in the wake of Nuremberg, not the depths we are at in the wake of Guantanamo and Abu Gharib.

6.  What is your opinion of the FISA law passed by Congress this past summer?  Should telecoms be granted retroactive immunity?  What other changes, if any, should be made to the law?
No new FISA law has been passed yet, only extensions of the expiring law with built in sunset dates have been pushed through. This is an issue where a few bold Democrats stood up and said "No More" to an administration trampling the rights of the people and were able to stop the greedy power-grab.

As I mentioned in previous questions, the Rule of Law and the Constitution need to be restored, immunity for the telecoms is not acceptable and we must find out to what extent this administration broke the law and violated our rights as citizens. The rules laid out in FISA permit a great deal of latitude to federal agencies working to protect us against national security threats, latitude they should have, but not without checks and balances that were implemented in FISA to protect the people from an out of control Executive. These telecoms weren't bullied--they have many lawyers and they know the law. You should know that Qwest refused the government's illegal wiretap requests, protecting the rights of their customers.

Communications have changed over the last 3 decades since FISA was first written, I am open to discussing changes to specific aspects that will help law enforcement and intelligence operatives function with new technology.

7. Do you believe that "waterboarding" is torture?  Should "enhanced interrogation techniques" be permitted under any circumstances?
Water boarding is torture, torture is not an effective or acceptable interrogation technique. Information attained during torture is notoriously bad, causing waste and intelligence failures. This doesn't even begin to address the human aspect of it, this is America, we don't torture, we are better than that, we are supposed to set the example for everyone else in the world to aspire to reach.

8. Do you support cutting greenhouse gas emissions 80% (or more) by 2050?  Would you support a revenue-neutral carbon tax on polluting industries and/or a moratorium on new coal-fired power plants?
Yes, I support the 80% cut in greenhouse gas emissions - we need to change the way we create energy and we need to end our dependence on foreign energy. We can create thousands of jobs right here in the 6th CD manufacturing solar panels, wind turbines, etc, harnessing the great research capacity from Virginia's Universities to make these products more efficient and less expensive. We can create service jobs installing and maintaining these products.

Our national security and economic stability depends on ending our dependence on foreign energy, particularly fossil fuels.

Carbon taxation is a short-term solution to reducing environmental impact, we need to find long term solutions that take care of both ends, providing clean, domestic energy and build a robust economy.

9.  Do you agree with Al Gore that our nation is now facing a "constitutional crisis?"   If so, what would you advocate doing about it?
The Executive Branch has expanded on an unprecedented scale, we need to return those powers to where they belong, the people and the other branches of our Government. Without balance, there are no checks, something we have seen come to light with the administration's Warrantless Wiretapping program, Guantanamo and the repeated failures to cooperate with Congressional oversight.

The first step to fixing it is electing the Democratic Nominee to the Presidency, the second step is electing me to replace a Congressman who has supported the current administrations expansion of the Executive Branch. Congress needs to vigorously exercise it's oversight rights and we need comprehensive campaign finance reform to return the power to the people.

I read Al Gore's book, Assault on Reason, an exploration of democracy and how the current administration has consolidated power in the Executive Branch to the detriment of our democracy. We need more people to stand up and advocate for restoring and defending our Constitution the way Vice President Gore has, I am proud to join him in this effort.

10. What is your position on trade issues? Do you believe that labor, environmental and human rights guarantees should be part of trade agreements?  In general, would you describe yourself as more of a "fair trade" or "free trade" person?
We need trade to be Free and Fair, we need to use our economic power to help raise the level of human rights and workers rights around the world. We also need American consumers to be more mindful of the companies we support, we should reward good behavior and punish those who rely on unacceptable employment practices at the cash register.

11.  Would you favor comprehensive immigration reform that provides a path to earned citizenship for people who pay a fine, learn English, and play by the rules?    In general, what is your position on immigration into this country, which you call "a nation of immigrants?"
The first step to immigration reform is holding employers accountable. The next step is to acknowledge that more than half of all people here illegally entered the country legally.

We are "a nation of immigrants" - US Census data classifies less than 17% of the 6th District as "American". Immigration is good, and the people who have followed the law around the world on stood in line to enter this country should not be passed over. The system does need to be reformed and made more efficient, quotas may need to be raised and likely need to add those people already here to the lines to get legal status.

12.  How would you describe your political philosophy: liberal, Teddy Roosevelt Progressive, Mark Warner centrist, or something else?
I believe in the principles of the Democratic Party, I believe we need to help those less fortunate and we need to give back to our communities. I believe affordable health care and a high quality free education are rights that should not be denied to any American. I believe the middle class and small businesses are the heart of America and without them our way of life will crumble. So, a little of each of the above maybe? I try to find practical solutions, often these ideas are born without partisan branding.
