What's Corey Stewart Up To Now?

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/13/2008 12:36:39 PM

Is Corey Stewart finally realizing that he's screwed up big time with his ill-conceived, unfunded, last-minute-before-the-election, anti-illegal-immigrant resolution?  Is he finally realizing that he needs to deal the serious problems Prince William County is facing, as well as his own growing political problems with his base and in general?  Finally, is Stewart finally realizing that his desired path to higher office is not going to come about by leading his county into fiscal ruin and social turmoil?  We'll see, but for now, my guess is that he's just trying to create some political space for himself to tack in whichever direction the wind happens to blow next.  Not exactly "profiles in courage," but that's Corey Stewart for you.

By the way, does Maureen Caddigan rock in this video or what?  


Reap the whirlwind (Teddy - 4/13/2008 1:53:14 PM)
He who sups with the devil needs a long spoon, Mr. Stewart. You plugged yourself into this KKK, skin-head element in your County, hoping to achieve political advantage. You have now discovered, seemingly to your surprise, that you cannot control this element. As a result, you are justly covered in the slime and vomit of that element. It is prudent of you to try to distance yourself from them, but you obviously still hanker after using them to promote yourself. Fair enough, but you cannot have it both ways. Are you agin 'em after you were for 'em, or not, sir?

Hey, maybe McCain will hire him and Greg to pander to the right wingers. (Tom Counts - 4/13/2008 2:31:21 PM)
Even better, maybe Rove could find a job for him in the White House (remember Connaughton and how the PWC BOCS chairmanship job came to be vacated ?). Wouldn't that be wonderful if we had to have another special election to replace the ... well, eminently replaceable.... anti- all who don't look, speak and sound like the "twins separated at birth" chair. Or maybe it's triplets; I haven't heard about any DNA tests that would indicate whether the Carl-Greg-Corey threesome might be related, except politically and philosphically.

Maybe Corey could make some money by hiring a ghost-writer for a (non) best-seller about how not to advance one's political ambitions. The 2nd chapter might be how not to bother checking with one's own flat-earth party " after making a fool of himself. He should be able to sell a couple of books to Jay Leno or Comedy Central for late-night jokes.

Just some musings, and a stab at a little humor to lighten up the sometimes too harsh dialogue here. Although, I doubt that Corey thinks any of this is very funny. Some of us do have a tendency to make ourselves the butt of jokes at times (myself included, but with no malice toward others intended).



Details available on my diary (EricByler - 4/13/2008 4:54:54 PM)
I created a detailed explanation of the events leading up to this video if anyone is interested.

Thank you for the video and the details. (Barbara - 4/13/2008 9:34:40 PM)
I was also at that meeting and your diary sums it up perfectly.

I think my head will explode if I read one more Letter to the Editor in the Potomac News thanking him for doing such a great job.

Write your own (Teddy - 4/13/2008 9:49:55 PM)
letter to the editor. For all we know, Corey is sponsoring these letters--- it's an old republican tactic to give the appearance of popular support. I talked with a couple of people from Prince William, and they tell me there are many, many, who previously supported Mr. Stewart and now, seeing how it's turning out, deeply regret having done so. That sentiment should be given public expression, and you are just the one to do it. Please!

You're right and I will. (Barbara - 4/13/2008 10:45:20 PM)
They've published some, but not all, of my letter in the past, so we'll see.  I think they're with me on this one.

Thanks (Teddy - 4/14/2008 12:28:03 AM)
and let us know how it turns out (quote your letter if they publish it, just so others can see how it's done)

Published on Friday (Barbara - 4/19/2008 8:52:21 PM)
This, after a lead article Tuesday on the "effects of the resolution", where several supervisors noted the true effects, but Mr. Stewart said he saw "no change at all":
One need only read the letters to the editor to see the level of divisiveness the illegal immigration issue has brought to the county. For Mr. Stewart to say he "sees no change at all" in the community begs the question: What rock does he live under?  

Perhaps if Mr. Stewart spent more time reading the paper and less time feeding information to the blog administered by his closet advisor, he would have a better idea. Mr. Stewart's goal continues to be what it has been from the very beginning - to further his political career at any expense.  

The first comment on the website was "Amen Barbara", which gives me hope.  The next was not so encouraging, but at least I know there is still some sanity in PWC.

your comment (notwaltertejada - 4/14/2008 10:26:10 AM)
is dustgusting.

What is (Lowell - 4/14/2008 4:12:22 PM)
"dustgusting?"  Like, dust blowing around in a gust of wind or something?

oops (notwaltertejada - 4/14/2008 8:52:11 PM)
i meant disgusting but i cant fix it. my bad ese

no Maureen Caddigan (citizenindy - 4/14/2008 9:20:35 AM)
comes off very bad to me

elitest, and naive comes to mind

She (political elite) complains about having to listen to citizen (the masses) comments

Also, I think she may have forgotten as a public official all of your actions are part of the public forum.  Does she have something to hide?