Gov. Kaine on Virginia Tech Settlement

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/10/2008 2:14:01 PM

I just received this statement from Gov. Kaine regarding the settlement with families and victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy nearly a year ago:

On April 16, 2007, an unthinkable tragedy took place on the campus of Virginia Tech.  For several months the victims and victims' families, their counsel, Virginia Tech, and officials of the Commonwealth have worked with serious commitment and diligence toward a reasonable resolution and response to the legitimate needs, interests and concerns arising out of that horrific event.

A proposal for resolution has now been accepted by a substantial majority of the victims and victims' families.  At this time, details will remain confidential as the parties move forward to finalize and formalize their agreement.  There will be no further announcement or discussion of this matter until that has been accomplished.  Ultimately, the agreements will be public.

UPDATE: The Washington Post reports, "Most families of the Virginia Tech massacre victims have agreed in principle to accept an $11 million settlement in exchange for agreeing not to sue the state."
