So much for being vetted

By: humanfont
Published On: 4/3/2008 9:53:52 PM

Sure they Rose Law firm, the pork futures trading, Whitewater, Walmart, but what about everything they've been up to since they got out of office.  Such as setting up an offshore account in the Caymen Islands that is a kind of tax shelter the superrich employ.   We're going to get a document dump in a few days with the Clinton's tax returns, but it seems that the knives are out.


humanfont, if you get your hands on (aznew - 4/4/2008 1:55:00 PM)
a current pdf of the Clinton Death List, I think people who find this meaningful might find that interesting reading as well.

LOL aznew (Scripple - 4/4/2008 5:24:03 PM)
I may not be rooting for her in the primaries but I always rolled my eyes the most whenever someone would bring out that BS about the Killer Klintons.