Drop out Hillary!

By: relawson
Published On: 3/28/2008 5:42:36 PM

The people have voted - Obama has won the popular vote.

Clinton's options are to stay in and convince the Super Delegates to over-rule the popular vote - which probably won't happen.  But if it does, that puts her in a very bad position.

If Super Delegates over-rule the popular vote, I will be the first amongst us to slap a McCain sticker on my car.

Last time I checked this was a Democracy.  Enough of this elitist bullshite.  The people have spoken!  Do the right thing Hillary and congratulate Obama on his win.  

She can drag this out if she wants, but she will drag the party down with her.


I am a huge Obama supporter... (BrianDStraw - 3/28/2008 8:56:56 PM)
but voting for a Republican is not worth it. There is the Supreme Court, the Iraq war, health care. It isn't worth voting for McCain.

I'm not a fan of either (relawson - 3/28/2008 9:53:07 PM)
But I can't reward people in a smoke filled room deciding what is best for me - and overturning the popular vote.  I will in fact punish them.  I lived through 8 years of Bush, I can survive 4 years of McCain.

Frankly, this entire primary is a black eye for Democrats - especially if you're here in Florida.

My message to Super Delegates: Don't you dare overturn the popular vote.

If Hillary wins the primary square and fair, I will vote for her.  My math says that isn't possible.  Does anyone see it differently (mathematically)?

http://www.dropouthillary.org (vadem2008 - 3/29/2008 12:09:37 PM)
You can sign an on-line petition here.

as for florida... (lgb30856 - 3/31/2008 11:53:00 AM)
your party bosses in florida did not follow the rules. they were warned. they took it to court, they lost.
they decided to "make a point" and they lost.
so stop the crying, the lying.
you weren't even on the radar until hillary wanted more delegates and looked to florida.
no one even campaigned in florida, no one.
so...are you going to vote in november? then your vote will count.

I don't want to hear ANY complaints from you when... (relawson - 3/31/2008 5:55:35 PM)
Democrats lose Florida by a landslide.  The short sided decision by Dean and DNC leadership is going to have that result.

You guys formed a cirle around Florida and opened fire.  You'll figure that out in about 8 months.