Leslie Byrne for a "Blue Majority"

By: Lowell
Published On: 3/24/2008 11:19:46 AM

This is great news if you're a Leslie Byrne fan (as most of us are here at RK):

Byrne is the long-time progressive movement candidate facing off against developer ally Gerry Connolly.  Byrne's progressive credentials are first-rate; a liberal member of Congress from 1992-1994, she was an opponent of the war in Iraq from day one, endorsed Howard Dean in 2004, is a favorite of the local netroots, and endorsed fellow war opponent Jim Webb early on.  That endorsement was critical and provided Webb's campaign with an early boost of legitimacy in his primary against lobbyist Harris Miller, who supported the war in Iraq and thought Bush's tax cuts were "a great idea".  Webb defeated racist Republican George Allen narrowly because he presented a clear choice on economic inequality and the war in Iraq, and has turned around and endorsed Byrne's campaign.

Leslie Byrne has also been endorsed by Raising Kaine, Not Larry Sabato, Anonymous Is a Woman, 750 Volts, and Bryan Scrafford.  To contextualize these endorsements, understand that the Virginia blogs are probably one of the most sophisticated group of progressive bloggers in the country; they helped put Tim Kaine and Jim Webb into office, and the state in play for 2008.


...It's hard to have a clearer choice than the one presented in this primary in Virginia, so if you want to put money to where it will really matter, give $50 to Leslie Byrne, and let's send another progressive Democrat to support the fight we started years ago.

Thanks to the national progressive blogosphere for joining the Virginia progressive blogosphere in supporting Leslie Byrne for Congress.  If you want to donate to Leslie through Blue Majority, please do so here.  Thanks.

UPDATE: NLS has more.


A true progressive... (lgb30856 - 3/24/2008 1:20:15 PM)
Leslie has always stuck to her principles as a true progressive. I admire her for that.
Thank you Leslie.

looks like leslie byrne has a good shot at getting the 11th back! (notwaltertejada - 3/24/2008 3:28:26 PM)
she has a great deal of experience and knowledge especially when it comes to foreign policy. her husband worked for AID for years. they're great people.

ps. you forgot to mention that leslie supports senator clinton :-D

One advantage to being an old fart (Hiker Joe - 3/24/2008 8:24:18 PM)
is that the years have taught me to vote for character above all else. Policies come and go but you can depend on elected officials who have character to do right by their constituents.

That is why I'm voting for Leslie Byrne rather than Gerry Connolly.  Byrne has character whereas Connolly has only bravado and ego.  Byrne will stick by me whereas Connolly will stick by whoever is most politically expedient for him at the moment.