The swiftboating of Obama

By: Rob
Published On: 3/20/2008 8:50:10 AM

It's time to realize what's happening here.  The right-wing and their media accomplices are  swiftboating Barack Obama much like what they did to John Kerry.  No, it's not about military service.  But, just like in 2004, the right wing has created some video that distorts reality (Obama never saw these comments being made and should not be associated with them) and the media is playing this video over and over.

Remember when John McCain decried that New York Times piece on his lobbyist connections?  Or when Hillary Clinton complained about her media coverage?  Well, the true victim of the media this cycle has been Obama.  It's truly reprehensible what the media is doing to him right now -- focusing for a week on comments he never made and has outright rejected while the war continues for another year and the economy circles the drain.

Make the Beltway and Virginia media realize: the media is being unfair to Obama.


Corporate Media Needs to be countered... (mosquitopest - 3/20/2008 10:14:10 AM)
I'm hoping that when (the day is coming) people don't have to buy their tv programs in bundles and can pick their channels folks will choose the BBC, FSTV and LINK for their news channels and refuse to subscribe to FOX NEWS, CNN, MSNBC etc...they all need a wake up call "WE REFUSE YOUR PROPAGANDA>...We want REAL news that is truly FAIR and BALANCED.  When and if the major corporate news media clean up their act then we can consider viewing them again.

Maybe we need to start an internet campaign and see if there is any audio or video footage of the McCain's choices of pastors that he has hooked up with.  Unlike Barack Obama (who did not elicit support from Farakan) and whose "private" pastor--Wright--who has been renounced for his radical statements and now has no ties with Obama's campaign,John McCain sought, received and has not renounced the support of John Hagee and Rod Parsely whose cases of breathtaking bigotry are as bad if less well known than Farrakhan's.

If this can get a decent amount of airplay it should have some counter effect of leveling the playing field among the independent voters.


Take the high road (Shenandoah Democrat - 3/20/2008 10:35:16 AM)
Obama has been widely praised for taking the high road in his More Perfect Union speech. The most encouraging sign to me is that it's already the most popular video on YouTUBE with over a miillion hits. By digging up crap on McCain we're only stooping to a lower level. That's not to say it shouldn't be pointed out, but the hit videos the rightwingnuts are circulating are so despicable they should not be replicated.

2,249,417 More Perfect Union views as of 1130 hrs today (Bubby - 3/20/2008 11:46:58 AM)
That is how many people have gone to Obama's two YouTube versions of the More Perfect Union speech, and watched.

One is here.

The other is here.

This speech is one of the best public addresses since  Franklin D. Roosevelt.  It describes the path to a united America.  

COMMENT HIDDEN (Hank Bostwick - 3/20/2008 10:42:25 AM)

Hijacker. (Jack Landers - 3/20/2008 10:44:35 AM)
Your comment had nothing to do with the topic at hand. How terribly rude of you.

You want to know what I think?  I think that I'm going to go Paypal Leslie Byrne's campaign $5 just because I'm annoyed with you.

With all due respect (aznew - 3/20/2008 10:47:06 AM)
This seems off-point to me.

there are plenty of other threads to discuss to chew over the whole Byrne-Connally thing.

He and his partner Gordon Smith have been doing this (AnonymousIsAWoman - 3/20/2008 1:19:20 PM)
They try to overtake a thread with topics totally unrelated to the main subject of the post.  Further, they post links to their own site, Scrutiny Hooligans, which is a North Carolina blog out of Asheville. They kept doing it on my blog. Frankly, I've been waiting for them to discover this site and start doing it here too.

One of the two, Hank, who just posted here is now a teacher in Roanoke, but it seems as if he came from North Carolina too.

I engaged them in dialogue at first but frankly I think they are trolls, pimping their own site and trying to create diversion and dissension in Virginia.

Worse, they are using Ben's hyperbole to discredit Leslie.  Does anybody here really think Leslie, or any other candidate, could actually rein Ben in?

I almost suspect, but only because I'm paranoid, that they are being paid by one of Leslie's opponents to do this.  Everybody here knows who is in the pocket of the Chamber of Commerce and big business and who has fought for the middle class and has the backing of most of the unions.

Trying to link Leslie to Ben's over the top posts is very much like trying to discredit Obama because of some hyperbolic remarks by his minister.  The Scrutiny Hooligans would object to that but they aren't above using the same tactic themselves.  And against somebody about whom they know nothing.

The benefit of having NLS on one's side (jsrutstein - 3/20/2008 6:25:02 PM)
If there's any possibility at all that Connolly is paying bloggers to influence the race, like Thune did to Daschle, Ben will be all over it.

I don't know much about the 11th (aznew - 3/20/2008 6:38:55 PM)
but I suspect if any candidate is paying bloggers to troll here at RK in order to influence the race in that district, it won't work.

My own experience here has been that BS gets detected fast at RK. Even if folks don't challenge you publicly, my sense is that not much is getting put over on the people regularly reading and/or posting here.

Anyway, if that's the game that's afoot, don't kid yourselves. This relatively disinterested observer thinks that you're not helping your candidate.

Hank there are places for this debate that are on-topic (snolan - 3/20/2008 5:32:27 PM)
This thread is about "The swiftboating of Obama" and there are more appropriate places for the Byrne vs Connolly vs Denneny vs Alexander primary race.

Obama does not play the victim. (Jack Landers - 3/20/2008 10:42:28 AM)
Barack Obama has never played the victim in the course of his campaign, throughout the ups and downs. If ever he wanted to claim victimhood, it would have been in his speech on race the other day. Most candidates would have taken that opportunity to cry foul and blame the media and so on.

Obama didn't.  I'll take my cue from him.

He is the front-runner and that spotlight can be harsh and blinding sometimes.  Right now, yeah, he's being treated unfairly.  But if we run around presenting Barack Obama as a victim, then that is how he will be seen. And what do we tend to feel towards victims? Pity.

There never was a vote cast out of pity.

Yeah, Obama is getting swiftboated by Hillary Clinton and the right wing. But he's fighting back beautifully. The man turns lemons into lemonade. This isn't John Kerry we're talking about.

If Obama supporters start crying foul at the mainstream corporate media and at the right-wing pundits, then we just look weak.  The thing to do is to fight the fight that's in front of us. We can cry foul at the Clinton campaign, since there is a different standard for how members of the same party behave towards each other in a primary. Other than that, I say keep your eyes ahead, keep your guard up and hit back harder than you got. Don't ask for time out.    

Obama won't forfeit anything. . . . . . (buzzbolt - 3/20/2008 11:52:44 AM)
John Kerry had good defenses to the "swiftboat" attackers,  but he went soft and mostly kept silent.  Little or no defense by Kerry translated to guilty in the minds of many independent voters.  The attackers won by forfeit.  

The best lesson from the Kerry episode is to launch an immediate and powerful counter attack.   Steve Jardin did this successfully in the Webb for Senate campaign in 2006.

Barack Obama has learned the lesson well and has shown that he can and will counter attack with style and class from a position of strength.

As a Clinton supporter I want to draw a line in the sand (aznew - 3/20/2008 10:44:25 AM)
While I think many allegation leveled against Hillary Clinton lack basis in fact and logic, and have explained my positions here ad nauseum, I have also made clear that in part I am giving Clinton the benefit of the doubt with respect to some of the more ambiguous allegations against her because I believe she has earned it from years of fighting the right wing smear machine.

Now, it appears to me that this whole Obama/Wright business is a right-wing hit job, based on the involvement of Fox News and right-wing radio's long-time flogging of Obama's association with his church.

That the remainder of our MSM media goes along is par for the course, given their record of laziness, incompetence and herd mentality.

So far, Sen. Clinton appears to have stayed away from the issue. Personally, I wish she had more vigorously defended Obama (or if not Obama, the general principle that people frequently find meaningful spiritual guidance from someone with whom they disagree on political matters), but at least she has not tried to explicitly and publicly use it to her advantage -- yet.

However, in a speech the other day, she came close, with an oblique reference, in connection with the re-vote dispute in MI and FL, to it not making a difference "which church you worship in," or something to that effect. Was that a subtle reminder of Obama's current problems? It could be, but it could also be the more general point that the value of one's vote should not depend upon where you live, your race, your religion, etc. I'm not sure.

Then, I come across this in today's NYT:

[T]he [Clinton] campaign hopes that Mr. Obama will have been battered by five rough weeks that raise questions about his past, including the pastor's incendiary comments, that would underscore Mrs. Clinton's warning to Democrats that they were rallying around someone who was untested and unvetted.

NO! NO! NO! This controversy did not arise because of a lack of vetting, but because, as Rob notes above, of the political hit job strategy known as "swiftboating." No amount of vetting can guard against this kind of dishonest, immoral and shameless tactic of trying to associate a candidate with the political views of his spiritual leader.

While there may be a relationship between one's religion and one's worldview and politics, one's spiritual life and one's political life also exist in two completely distinct realms. I don't need to ask, as some of our idiotic political  punditocracy has over the past several days,  why Obama did not disassociate himself from this Reverend previously and leave the Church. The answer is obvious: Rev. Wright was not a political mentor for Obama, but a spiritual mentor -- his Reverend's political views were quite properly beside the point for Obama.

If America means anything, it means that a person be able to choose the spiritual path that they find most meaningful (which includes, in my mind, a lack of belief in any deity) for themselves and their children without fear of retribution or necessity of explanation.

So, it disheartens me to also read this:

Mrs. Clinton's advisers said they had spent recent days making the case to wavering superdelegates that Mr. Obama's association with Mr. Wright would doom their party in the general election.

That argument could be Mrs. Clinton's last hope for winning this contest.

I, for one, will be forced to abandon Hillary Clinton should I continue to see this argument being made. It is offensive. It will be my line in the sand. To the extent that there is a Clinton advisor who reads RK, and who cares what one of your candidate's most ardent defenders on this blog thinks, tell her to stop it now.

Link to full NYT atricle here:

h/t - TPM

P.S. Sorry - I try not to get on a soapbox here at RK, but this is just pissing me off no end.

I appreciate that. (Jack Landers - 3/20/2008 10:46:41 AM)
Loyalty tempered with ethical standards. The world needs more of that. Hopefully Clinton's campaign will get the message soon.

Excellent comment. (Lowell - 3/20/2008 11:02:00 AM)

I wish we could promote comments to the front page! (Rob - 3/20/2008 11:17:16 AM)

You can. (Lowell - 3/20/2008 11:20:38 AM)
Just cut and paste it into a diary.

Ah, good thinking! (Rob - 3/21/2008 9:15:32 AM)