Help Obama win Wisconsin

By: Rob
Published On: 2/16/2008 12:19:11 PM

Wisconsin is a critical state.  The pundits have been talking about Obama's winning streak heading into the March 4th primaries, but they're presuming too much.  The polls are tight in Wisconsin, which votes on Tuesday, and a Clinton victory would be seen as stunting Obama's huge momentum.

So, with that in mind, it's time for us Virginians to get to work again.  Click this link to phonebank for Wisconsin!  It's painless and easy -- and critical for Obama's GOTV efforts.

Before I close, I'll quote this line from today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel endorsement of Obama linked by Lowell earlier: "So why Obama? It is precisely the excitement that we see in the candidate and his supporters in their demands for change. This promises to alter the political landscape and dynamics for the better, energizing youth for service and involvement as we haven't seen in a very long time.... [In] Obama, there is a potential for meaningful change that does not exist with any other candidate."


I am! (sndeak - 2/16/2008 7:55:18 PM)
I was out canvassing and phone banking today in Green Bay. Lots of energy, nobody is taking anything from granted on the Obama side. There were people streaming in and out of the Green Bay HQ all day today.  

Wow -- awesome! (Rob - 2/16/2008 11:52:51 PM)

Barack the vote! (Will Write For Food - 2/17/2008 3:17:13 PM)
Barack the vote, Barack the vote baby, Barack the vote, don't tip the vote over ... !

Go Cheeseheads!