The Truth About McCain

By: RoCoDemsPrez
Published On: 2/14/2008 12:28:18 PM

So I have heard people speak of John McCain as "John McSame" and heard them claim he will essentially put forth a third Bush term. Now, while I don't disagree with these things, there are shocking truths that reveal that the name "McCain" is imposing by itself, and that John McCain may be more dangerous than most people think.

In Gaelic, the prefix "Mc" means "son of". From Wikipedia:

Mac: for most purposes, taken to mean "son of", as in Mac N+¬ill (son of Neil). However, literally, the "of" part does not come from the "Mac" prefix but from the patronymic that follows it. E.g., in the case of MacN+¬ill, Mac merely means "son", "N+¬ill" (meaning "of Neil") is the genitive form of Niall ("Neil"). In some cases if the second word begins with a vowel Mac then becomes Mag, as in Mag Eoch+ķin.

Now, while it doesn't mention it, keep in mind that the prefix Mc is an abbreviation of Mac.

Some of you may have realized it, McCain, therefore, translates to "Son of Cain". And who else is related to Cain?


As noted in lines 106-114 and lines 1260-1267 of Beowulf, Grendel's mother and Grendel are described as descendants of the Biblical Cain.

Do we really want a decendent of Cain and relative of Grendel in the White House? And one who would continue Bush policies?

I, for one, do not. Keep this in mind when you vote this November or (if you decide to vote in them) the Republican primaries.

(Originally posted on Burnt Orange Report)


Wow (cerulean08 - 2/15/2008 10:19:57 AM)
I did not know this. As an evangelical Christian, I do not want a descendant of one of the original sinners to inhabit the White House! Call me prejudiced but doesn't McCain look a little like Grendel too?

Fear not, Cerilean08! (aznew - 2/15/2008 10:36:05 AM)
McCain may de descended from a Cain, but not from the Cain in the Bible.

All of Cain descendants died in the Flood, if you believe that sort of thing literally.

True, but.... (cerulean08 - 2/15/2008 1:13:56 PM)
How do you explain the race of monsters personified in the beast Grendel? McCain is obviously a sea troll that is conspiring to take over our governments. How do you explain how he and people in his family live for so long? The thing is, we need God in our governments. Without God, people like John McCain come to power.