Crack for political junkies

By: Ron1
Published On: 2/2/2008 9:17:08 PM

Presidential Wiki

That's the entry for the 1812 James Madison vs. DeWitt Clinton election (Clinton was the Federalist candidate -- Bill and Hill were not the first major party Clinton candidates!). Just change the year at the end of the URL to whichever Presidential election, you'd like to explore, and the relevant analysis and electoral map appears.

Be careful, you can spend hours looking at this stuff. [e.g., look at the 1824 election -- a four way brouhaha that ended up with Andrew Jackson winning the popular AND original electoral votes, but still losing the Presidency in the House to JQAdams; political dynasties always involve Presidential shenanigans, it seems]. Think we're divided now? Look at the elections of 1960 and 1968 as the New Deal era morphed into the Great Society era and then the Nixon/Republican era that is just now ending ...
