Call to arms for Deeds recount

By: Rob
Published On: 11/25/2005 2:00:00 AM

Alice Marshall has a good (and recommended) diary over at Daily Kos calling for support for Creigh Deeds's recount efforts.  She makes a great point on how important this effort is for Democrats everywhere:

Now I want Kossacks to read this next part very carefully. The behavior you reward [is] the behavior you will get. This recount is being watched by elected officials and their consultants all across the nation. The support Deeds receives will determine the future willingness of other Democrats to call for recounts. If Deeds if left hanging, future candidates will conclude there is no public support for recount fights. If we rally around Deeds, other candidates will think that we are serious and will more likely to press for recounts.

Go read the whole diary, recommend it, and spread the news.
