New Rasmussen Poll: Obama Surging Post-SC?

By: Lowell
Published On: 1/29/2008 8:48:35 PM

Holy shifting momentum, Batman, it looks like Barack Obama's crushing South Carolina is kicking in big time. According to a brand new poll by Rasmussen in Connecticut, one of the first state polls post-SC, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are now TIED (40%-40%) in my home state, the Nutmeg State. :)  Just 10 days ago, the Hartford Courant showed Clinton with a 14-point lead (41%-27%) over Obama.  Back in November, Clinton held a 26-point lead, according to Quinnipiac.  

That's right, a 26-point lead for Clinton has evaporated since November, as has her 14-point lead in just under 2 weeks!  If this is what's going on nationally, then watch out Super Tuesday.  Also, I'd note that this poll was conducted BEFORE Caroline and Ted Kennedy's endorsements of Obama, which should only give him even more of a boost. How quickly things change.  Go Obama!

P.S.  My entire family in Connecticut is voting for Obama; apparently, they're not happy with the Clinton campaign, and keep in mind that these are all Democrats who voted for Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996.


Good for them! (Ingrid - 1/29/2008 9:14:44 PM)
Good for your family!  There has also been quite a bit of switching right here in Arlington, from Billary to Barack.

I honestly haven't heard one person (Lowell - 1/29/2008 9:17:03 PM)
say they're switching from Obama to Hillary, but TONS from Hillary to Obama.  Tsunami Tuesday is going to be very interesting.

Thanks to Bill (Ingrid - 1/29/2008 9:29:43 PM)
especially with his last comment in SC.  It alienated MANY people.  I was at the GA in Richmond yesterday and today.  Lots of support for Barack there.  

Today during dinner... (legacyofmarshall - 1/29/2008 9:52:56 PM)
I saw an Obama ad, right here in Williamsburg, on cable news!  (I couldn't tell if it was CNN or MSNBC, tv was far away).  It  had Senator McCaskill saying a few words about why he should be president so at first I thought it was just footage, but then I saw it: "Paid for and authorized..."

Super excited!  I'm not ready to call Virginia for Obama yet, but for him to have tv ads before Super Tuesday in a post Super-Tuesday state... wow!

I saw it in (sndeak - 1/29/2008 10:14:32 PM)
Green Bay Wisconsin too! He is up nationaly on cable.

I figured... (legacyofmarshall - 1/30/2008 12:26:37 AM)
The North-Midwest is solidly Clinton?  Do you think he has a chance in Wisconsin?

I was out sign waving this weekend (sndeak - 1/30/2008 1:41:56 AM)
Got lots of good waves. Gov. Doyle endorsed Obama a few weeks back. They really don't care much for Edwards or Clinton up in this area.

Madison being a college town will probably go to Obama.

This is the excitement Obama's generating (Lowell - 1/29/2008 10:27:56 PM)

BTW: Obama rally planned for Falls Church Feb. 10th (Kindler - 1/29/2008 11:42:13 PM)
Per the Jan. 24 Falls Church News Press:

Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama is slated to hold a large open-air rally in Falls Church's Cherry Hill Park on the afternoon of Sunday, Feb. 10, according to News-Press sources. The rally will come two days before the Virginia primary election. Sources say it is being organized on the model of the August 2003 rally, held for then-Democratic hopeful Howard Dean at the park, which drew an estimated 5,000 people.

Connecticut Post and Recorder endorse Obama (sndeak - 1/30/2008 1:44:19 AM)
Diary up on DKOS  

A "'Brand' New Frontier!" (drdomansky - 1/30/2008 9:49:51 AM)
Ted Kennedy's endorsement of Obama hopefully will help him out not only in CT, but in other New England states, NJ, NY, and even states with significant Latino populations.  More and more people are realizing that this is not only a contest between two candidates, but also a contest between the past and the future.  

The Clinton Era is over and, following decades dominated by Reaganite "values," which Bill did nothing to alter, and then 8 years of decadence under W, our country needs a candidate who offers a "'Brand' New Frontier" and a reason to be hopeful again.  Obama is that candidate!

The times are really a changin' and we have reason to be optimistic that our country will once again belong to the people.  As a former community organizer, Barack Obama offers us a vision in which people at the grassroots v. lobbyists in DC, will be the true power center!

Ted Kennedy has an extensive network (Lowell - 1/30/2008 9:58:49 AM)
across the country, probably equal to the Clintons.  If he activates it full force, Obama stands an excellent chance on 2/5, especially with the momentum coming out of South Carolina, the Caroline Kennedy endorsement, continued anger at Bill Clinton, and Obama's powerful message of optimism and change.