Where Was the Washington Post When it $#^@& Mattered?!?

By: Lowell
Published On: 1/28/2008 6:52:33 AM

Here's what the Washington Post wrote on October 15, 2007:

District 37: There's not much to choose from here. Incumbent Sen. Ken Cuccinelli II is a highly intelligent and capable Republican whose doctrinaire, at times obstructionist, views on taxes and social issues have alienated his own party's more moderate leadership in the Senate. While he finally did vote this year for a bill to provide new roads for Northern Virginia, it was only after repeatedly helping to block better ones. Democrat Janet Oleszek is a Fairfax County School Board member who has run a lackluster campaign, at times embarrassingly short on substance. The district, in Fairfax County, deserves better choices; we make no endorsement.

Now, after failing to endorse Janet Oleszek, who lost by just 101 votes to Cuccinelli (you think the Post endorsement is worth 101 votes?), here's what the Washington Post has to say about "The Cooch":

VIRGINIA SEN. Ken Cuccinelli II (R-Fairfax) has introduced a piece of immigrant-bashing legislation that is meant to ease the way for bosses to fire workers who don't speak English. But the bill is so closed-minded and foul-tempered that it is too much for Mr. Cuccinelli himself...

The senator, long regarded as among the more intolerant lawmakers in Richmond, has outdone himself...


...Mr. Cuccinelli's bill would perversely penalize workers, not employers. This is grossly unfair.

Immigrant-bashers, even some who pay homage to America as a nation of immigrants, have a rich and ugly history in this country. Today, a venomous new chapter is being written in that history by lawmakers of Mr. Cuccinelli's ilk, for whom the very presence of people whose language, culture and values are different is a firing offense.

Hey, Washington Post?  Isn't this the type of stuff you should have thought about, oh, THREE MONTHS AGO?!?  Duh.

P.S.  As I just reread the headline, I realized it could apply to the war in Iraq as well. Heckuva job on that one too, Washington Post!

P.P.S. It also would have been great if the Post had done its job and investigated the serious charges leveled against Cuccinelli by Dale Evans and others.


Word to Lowell (Scott Surovell - 1/28/2008 10:15:37 AM)
I don't think there is anything else to say on this.

Recalling the outrage... (Doug in Mount Vernon - 1/28/2008 6:04:17 PM)
...of that editorial and how close I really was to cancelling my subscription to the paper.

The Post does seem to be less and less in touch with politics on the ground these days.  Perhaps they are letting go too many personnel and just can't cover things like newspaper organizations used to.  We are seeing this paring down of newsrooms across the country.

Bloggers and internet media are seriously threatening their preeminence as the best places to get the most reliable information.

Truth hurts for the Post.

Amen (bigforkgirl - 1/28/2008 9:57:14 PM)
Cooch is and has been a disgrace.  My condolences to those who still live in his District.  Can we get a great candidate to take him on, one with a great campaign team?  Start NOW.