Gov. Warner roundup

By: Rob
Published On: 11/21/2005 2:00:00 AM

There is so much news about Warner these days, I thought a fast and furious roundup could catch us all up.

- His excellency announced today the final adoption of the most protective nutrient reduction regulations in the nation to reduce phosphorus and nitrogen flowing into the Chesapeake Bay from the James and York rivers in 2003.  Warner called this a major step in improving the Bay's water quality and get it off the EPA's "impaired waters" list by 2010.  He also pledged "the largest contribution ever" to the Water Quality Improvement fund in the two-year state budget he will propose next month.

- Warner paid a little visit to New Hampshire this weekend, which is coincidentally the first state in the 2008 primary dance.  His visit was well received, making a "good first impression."  His speech and Q&A can be viewed at

- Finally, our governor was awarded for his commitment to education, receiving the 2005 Distinguished Service Award from the Council of Chief State School Officers.  This award is the top honor given each year to an individual who has contributed to the advancement of education.
