John Edwards Unfairly Ignored by Media

By: relawson
Published On: 1/19/2008 2:15:38 PM

What has become apparent is that even though Edwards beat Clinton in Iowa, the media still ignored him.  My advice to Edwards at this point: pick a fight.  The media loves a fight.  And I suggest he pick a fight with Hillary.  The elite media will love that.

According to the Project for Excellence in Journalism, Ewards is the main story just 2% of the time while getting mentioned just 7% of the time.  This is the exact situation General Clark found himself in.

Look at these alarming headlines:

With this type of biased coverage, we have a true crises in this country.  Remember, media today is owned primarily by a handful of corporations.  Do you really want a few powerful corporations having such influence on the future of our nation?  This is nothing short of a crises.
