Delay v. McCain - Let's get RRREeady to Squaaaabllle!!!!

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 1/19/2008 9:23:16 AM

I love seeing Republicans attack eachother, but isn't this guy supposed to be in jail?


lol (The Grey Havens - 1/19/2008 10:24:09 AM)
so awesome

Really awe-gruesome, yet (Teddy - 1/19/2008 2:18:15 PM)
he was not shouting, uttering expletives, or skirting the issue as he sees it. Give the jerk credit for expressing himself frankly and calmly, and remember that he is from Texas where his oilman's point of view (drilling in ANWAR is definitely the intelligent thing to do so I can run my SUV and my military machine anywhere I want); his mega globalisation business point of view (we should have had more tax cuts, more, more, more for greedy corporatists and their feudal empires because it's good for jobs and good for America); and his misinterpreting of and disdain for the Constitution (restricting campaign finance largesse is inhibiting free speech and the right of Money to Buy Elections) is perfectly normal.

Indeed, it is the bedrock philosophy of those Neandertal Republicans who have, unfortunately, persuaded Billie Bob and evangelicals all across America that this is exactly what Jesus would do, the Bible tells them so. For counter-arguments, where do you start? I guess with a new vision that rides right over all the demi-neo-fascist nonsense?

OH YEAH (Lee Diamond - 1/19/2008 1:43:55 PM)
This boy has got it together.  He is definitely in touch with the public pulse......
in the year, what, 1887 or so?  He is John D. Rockefeller's kind of politician.