Mike Huckabee (Moron-AR)

By: Chris Guy
Published On: 1/6/2008 2:21:50 PM

This subject matter here is very appropriate since if Mike Huckabee is elected President, I may have to move to Canada. h/t DailyKos


Oh, Lordy -- Was he in on it? (PM - 1/6/2008 3:03:56 PM)
Was he joining in on the spoof?

Favorite trivia of the campaign so far:  according to the NYT, "[Huckabee] attended the same kindergarten - Miss Marie Purkins' School for Little Folks - as Bill Clinton."

Humor aside, part of me would like to see Huckabee nominated because I think he'd be a weak candidate, but geez, I have three daughters and to think what he'd do to their futures . . .

Funny! (HisRoc - 1/6/2008 6:18:57 PM)
I once saw a humorous documentary about Canada in which a Mountie asserted that their strategic importance was based on the fact that without Canada there would be nothing to stop the Chinese from invading Denmark.

The Canadians have a wonderful, self-deprecating sense of humor.  However, don't move there if Huckabee wins, Chris.  Stay here and support the opposition.

This diary inspired me to do more writing about Huckabee (PM - 1/6/2008 6:46:39 PM)
I've written a diary on RK about some of Huckabee's wacko associations.

Canada (ewolfk - 1/7/2008 11:41:55 AM)
Canada is about as happy to welcome US Citizens who want to reside there as the US has been recently to welcome folks trying to escape their countries of origin.  Escaping there is a nice thought, but moving there is, sadly, not generally an option.