Dave Barry is blogging from New Hampshire

By: PM
Published On: 1/4/2008 4:01:36 PM


Humorist Dave Barry is going to be following the action in New Hampshire.  I think we could benefit from his wisdom.  Here's a link to the first installment.  http://www.miamiherald.com/dav...  

And a sample:

And so the eyeballs of the world turn to New Hampshire, a tiny, flinty, gritty, Dunkin' Donuts-intensive state located mostly inside the Arctic Circle. On Tuesday, the voters here will troop to the polls, where -- as they have done every four years since 1952 -- they will turn around and troop back home, because the polls, like virtually everything else here, are under 23 feet of snow.

But a few people, the truly flinty ones, will manage to actually vote, and they will determine the course of this presidential race -- and, yes, America's future -- for approximately two news cycles. ***

The updates will appear on Dave's blog, along with observations about flatulence, rampaging squirrels, and other important issues:   http://blogs.herald.com/dave_b...
