Bush Screws American Attack Victims

By: Adam Malle
Published On: 12/31/2007 2:46:06 PM

On Friday, Bush challenged the democratic controlled congresses authority by pocket vetoing the defense bill while congress is technically still in session. This action is just another example of Bushes complete disregard for the separation powers and the constitution. In allowing the 10 day window to elapse this bill should be enacted as required by the constitution when congress is in session. Furthermore, doesn't he have the balls to sign a veto of veterans benefits increases, troop pay increases, and funding for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan? Or is he afraid of the media and public backlash sure to be generated in the process of overriding his cowardly veto?  Who is failing to fund the troops now? But this is different it is in the name of screwing terror attack victims err sorry, protecting the Iraqi government from unnecessary litigation.
