Barack Obama: Our Moment Is Now, full speech

By: Shawn
Published On: 12/27/2007 7:26:01 PM

On December 27, 2007, Democratic Presidential Candidate, Senator Barack Obama delivered this speech in Des Moines, Iowa.


Barack (Gordie - 12/31/2007 9:50:30 AM)
makes some fine speachers, but I really have to question his straight forwardness in open questioning.

Yesterday on "Meet The Press" he was constaintly slow in his responces between words. There is that constant slight pause between words, searching for the correct answer. This has been going on since I have begun to listen to him for 9 months. First I thought it was inexperience, then I was afraid to say something that it might be a stammer/studder and I did not want to critise someone for that, BUT I am beginning to get the feeling that the truth does not go with the words. That what comes out is what he thinks others want to hear. There is no constant flow as when Edwards or Hillary or Biden speak. Edwards and Hillary are much better then Biden.

When any of the other candidates answer questions I can tell where they are coming from, but with Barack, it is almost as if he is really hiding something and that scares me.

Be Not Afraid (Shawn - 12/31/2007 12:17:46 PM)
I believe Senator Obama's speaking style in debates and answering questions comes from his educational background and work as a law professor...

Your ear is looking for the corrupt political style answers you've become used to over the years