Religion and politics - a diary I hope still has relevance

By: teacherken
Published On: 12/27/2007 12:42:51 AM

This diary was originally posted at Daily Kos in April of 2005, and was entitled then A Statement for Pastor Dan in response to his request to show people of faith that progressives were not hostile to them.  Given how religion has continued to be an issue, especially recently, in our politics, I thought it might be worthwhile to share it again, so I reposted it there tonight.   And I have changed title at suggestion of blue jersey mom.  Peace.

My name is Kenneth Bernstein.  On various electronic fora I am known as Teacherken.  Much of my life has been an inchoate search for meaning.   During my almost 59 years of life I spent time in a variety of religions.  While I am now officially a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), I have at various times attended regularly at synagogues (Reform, Conservative and Orthodox), been an active member of churches (Episcopalian and Orthodox Church in America), received a masters degree from a Roman Catholic seminary, taught comparative religion in synagogue, church and public high school.   As I write this I sit in a room full of books on religion.  Trained as a musician much of the music I love is derived from people's dedication to their faith, and I have served as a choir director in the Orthodox Church.  
In my own search for meaning I have spent a summer in an Episcopalian Benedictine monastery, and had several extended stays on Mount Athos in Greece, where for almost a decade my personal spiritual father was the abbot of one of the monasteries.  My wife --who is an active Orthodox Christian who is pro-life in every sense (including opposing the death penalty) as well as an ardent environmentalist  --  and I were married in an Orthodox church ceremony.  I do not believe that any reasonable person could consider us hostile to people of faith.

I am officially an independent, as I live in Virginia, which does not have party registration.  I have voted for a few Republicans for local office over the years I have lived here, but I have never campaigned for anyone except Democrats.  I consider myself quite liberal / progressive on most issues, although I do believe in fiscal responsibility in government.  Thus the two presidential candidates about whom I have been most excited were both social liberals who were fiscal conservative, Fritz Hollings and Howard Dean.

Perhaps because I teach government, I am appalled by the misinterpretation of our Constitutional tradition that I hear from people like Tom Delay and Bill Frist, or from people who claim to be Christian.   This nation was founded on principles of the enlightenment, with a conscious effort by most of the important founders to separate the government from religion, and thereby to protect religion from government.  It is worth noting that even before the Constitution we had a strong tradition of this separation.   When states wrote constitutions in 1776 to replace their colonial charters, many, like that of Pennsylvania, guaranteed religious freedom, that document near its beginning stating

That all men have a natural and unalienable right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences and understanding: And that no man ought or of right can be compelled to attend any religious worship, or erect or support any place of worship, or maintain any ministry, contrary to, or against, his own free will and consent: Nor can any man, who acknowledges the being of a God, be justly deprived or abridged of any civil right as a citizen, on account of his religious sentiments or peculiar mode of religious worship : And that no authority can or ought to be vested in, or assumed by any power whatever, that shall in any case interfere with, or in any manner controul, the right of conscience in the free exercise of religious worship.

The Constitution itself does not mention God, and clearly states in Article VI that no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

As one who has seriously studied the Bible, I resent those who quote selectively, who use distorted translations, who ignore the clear import.  I fail to see how anyone who would call themselves Christian could ignore the life of the Jesus of Nazareth who was criticized for dining with tax collectors and sinners.  I am shocked at those who would prescribe harsh penalties for those they claim violate "God's laws" when Jesus challenged them by saying that only those who were themselves without sins should cast stones at the woman taken in adultery, or who challenged those condemning others for motes to look at the beams in their own eyes.  And I cannot imagine that someone can consider themselves Christian when acting, saying, or implying that those who suffer in life because of poverty or hunger or nakedness or imprisonment have only themselves to blame when the clear words of Jesus in Matthew 25 is that how we will be measured will be by how we acted towards "the least of these" whom he calls his brethren.  

My purpose in this message is not to engage in a bible quoting -- or Constitution quoting -- contest.  As a person who believes deeply I want my religious beliefs to be free from government interference.  Lincoln told us that as he would not want to be a slave neither would he want to be a slaveowner.  I apply that as follows:  I am a member a tiny religious minority, and I was born into a religious tradition that has been subject to discrimination and far worse.  I value the protection offered me by our Constitution.  As I would not want to be be oppressed because of my beliefs or what others might consider by unbelief, neither would I wish to impose my beliefs on others.

To any politician or those who seek political influence who wishes to impose one particular view of morality and religion, I say you are not only not acting an an American fashion, you are not acting in a Christian fashion.  In your attempts to impose or mandate your beliefs you admit your fear that your ideas will not have appeal on their own.  Perhaps that may be because those ideas are neither American nor Christian in their origin.  Oh I grant that they may be developed by people who lived in the united States and who considered themselves Christian.   But there are almost two billion Christians of various denominations around the world, and what you express would be alien to most of them.  And as a student of history I know that Founders like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin, to name just a few, would absolutely reject what you claim was their intent in the establishment of our system of government.

As a liberal, one influenced by the teaching of both the Jewish and Christian bibles, I know that to live a faith based on either or both of those documents requires humility   -- men do not, after all, have the mind of God.  Such a life requires a recognition of our responsibility as individuals and as a society for those not well off.  Such a life could not find support for the doctrine of unfettered capitalism that offers no concern for the poor  -- after all one Mitzvah for the Jew was to leave the corners of the field unharvested so that the poor might have something to eat.  There is no justification in either "Testament" for greed, for self-aggrandizement and justification, for seeking power in order to accumulate wealth, or for seeking power merely to be powerful.  Rather, both collections of spiritual wisdom offer many condemnations of those who mistreat the poor, or show a lack of hospitality to strangers, the Jewish Bible pointedly reminding its readers that they are not to deny justice to the sojourner in their land because they themselves were sojourners in the land of Egypt.

I will not condemn you if I think you are wrong.  I will hope that you will allow the spirit of God as you know it to fill you with love.   In the words of John, men will know that people are disciples of Jesus because they will love one another even as he has loved them.  And I will not accept that you have any moral authority to condemn those with whom you disagree.  That surely shows a lack of faith in a God who is all loving, who is thus capable of persuading all to turn to him.  

I respect those whose belief may be different than mine.  That is why I believe so strongly in the separation of Church (or synagogue, temple, pagoda, or mosque) and state.  Insofar as you will advocate against such separation, I will oppose you.  I will oppose you as violating the principles on which our nation was founded.  And I will oppose you as violating the clear intent of the teaching of Jesus, and the far broader understanding of the Christian world both in much of the past and in much of the world today.  It is precisely because I respect people of faith that I will do so.  


Somehow we never seem to get away from the issue (teacherken - 12/27/2007 12:43:53 AM)
of religion and politics -  it is again a topic of major concern this cycle.   I do hope this diary has some value for those who encounter it.  I am still proud of having written it.


Excellent Diary, Ken. (spotter - 12/27/2007 8:25:18 AM)
I don't think the problem is the involvement of religious people in politics or government. Religion and morality will always play a part in making the rules we live by, as they should.  I think the real problem is false religion, pandering and misuse of religion as a tool to gain power and authority.  Fortunately, it appears that some people are becoming more discerning, and that cynical ploys like that of Huckabee will backfire.

Choosing Your Religion--Over All Others (soccerdem - 12/27/2007 11:48:15 AM)
What does it say when you choose a religion or stay in the religion in which your parents' vicissitudes placed you?  To me, assuming you even think about practising that religion, it seems like you are making a choice, a choice based on your perception of which religion is better.  Or else, why would you stay in yours or choose to change to another?

When such a choice is made, whether consciously or not, it seems to me that you are relegating the religion you do not choose as one that is, at best, second best to your choice.  In other words, no matter how you may color or gloss over the reasons for your choice (e.g., this one suits me better; this one is so much better(how?); in this one I can eat bacon) you have made a judgment, that you consider the others as secondary in some respects to your own.  And this to me is a problem, no matter how you present mitigating arguments.

As for respecting beliefs other than my own, my own are totally non-religious and I respect all those who believe in the principle of Get Off My Back, Leave Me Alone, Let Other Alone.  It seems that no matter how lengthy the argument for freedom to others, the religious just cannot keep from getting in your face, from blue laws to abortion to what ever, using their bible as a command to action (Spread the Good News).  And it never seems to end; look at the overt restrictions on people of color in the Book of Morman.

My argument finally is:  If you want to believe in things you cannot see, touch, converse with, and so on, if you want to believe in rainmaking, fine.  But don't tell me you and I need the irrational to get along.  I and millions don't, we think that because there is nothing after this, except becoming nitrogen for a tree, that we might as well be decent to one another. And we believe in NOT trying to convert you to OUR faith, just that you should do likewise with yours.

This is not directed to you or any person, Ken, but is what I wish for.    

Seeking to Better Understand What you Mean (Matusleo - 12/27/2007 2:41:57 PM)
Perhaps I am reading more into your words than you mean, but it seems to me that you are making the following argument: choosing a religion presupposes that one feels the chosen religion is better than all other religions; but the statement that one religion is better than another is consider a problem to you; i.e. we should not state that any religion/belief is better than any other.

I think this is an unfair and self-contradictory standard, because if one applies this same standard to any other choice, one is left incapable of making any choices at all.  How can I determine my political beliefs if I do not decide that one position is better than another?  I suppose one can follow the Objectivist route and declare that theirs is the conclusion of reason, and thus all other conclusions are flawed and deserving of no respect.  But how do we know the conclusion we have reached is the correct one?

So, yes, I have decided that religions other than my own are incorrect or deficient in some way, just as you have decided that religions belief is irrational, and thus of secondary value to your own beliefs about the universe.  Is this what you have a problem with?  Because that is the implication of your post.

And being Catholic, I do touch, taste, see, etc... my God every time I go to Mass.  But I guess we'll have to disagree on that. ;-)

Also, what is wrong in trying to convince others of what one believes to be the truth?  Even atheists like Richard Dawkins do that, and I don't have a problem with that at all (I just disagree with him).

Ut Prosim

where do you choose to live? (teacherken - 12/27/2007 8:48:06 PM)
does that make it the best community over all others, or merely the one is which you feel most comfortabe?

What kind of work do you do?  Does that mean you think it is the best possible job, or it is a job that for you and your needs and skills makes sense?

You presume that the only basis for choosing one religion over another is a matter of ranking religions in some way.  I don't.

I love Beethoven, Brahms, and Bach, but also Willie, Nina and Bruce.  Similarly, I found much of value in the each of the religious traditions in which I spent time, and I am better able to understand them, and other religions.  I am most at home where I am now, as a Quaker.   I would not have been as at home had I not previously spent time in other religious traditions.


What do you believe? (mr science - 12/29/2007 3:56:40 AM)
Do you believe Jesus is coming back? Do you believe if you don't believe this that you will burn eternally in a lake of fire? You are a believer aren't you? So, what is it? Please, don't say you "believe" in Jesus because he taught peace, love, and charity. I am an atheist and I believe in those things too. So... that begs the question: what distinguishes you, the believer, from me?... specifically... I really want to know. If your answer to the first two questions isn't "yes", then how are you an Xian?

I have no idea why this is directed to me (teacherken - 12/29/2007 6:50:13 AM)
1) I have stated multiple times that I don't consider myself a Christian

2) I know many Christians whose belief does not include eternal fire, and some who do not believe in a literal Parousia.

there are hundreds of millions in this world who consider themselves Christians.   The belief in the literal return of Jesus IS part of the early (and continued) creeds of the Church.    There is NO MENTION of Hell or of eternal fire in the Nicene (as modified in Constantinople) creed, nor in the version of the Nicene Creed used in the Oriental Churches.  

Therefore, your entire framing has problems.

Framing (mr science - 12/29/2007 12:36:05 PM)
Your diary states you're a Quaker which is a Christian demonination. You're being evasive. What do you believe? For someone who wrote such a long diary on religion, mainly about Christianity and government, I think its a fair question to ask. I'm excluding things that any nonbeliever can accept in order to find specifically what distinguishes him/her from a believer such as yourself. You don't have to write a book, just some main points. Be specific and, please, stick with your own beliefs, not those millions of others who may or may not believe this, that, or the other.

you are wrong on quite a few counts (teacherken - 12/29/2007 2:58:37 PM)
First, not all Quakers are Christians.   Those in Meetings associated with Friends United Meeting are, and maintain a number of attitudes (say, towards homosexuality) that are problematic for other friends.   Most of those in Meetings with Friends General Council are unprogrammed, with no clergy, and not statement of belief.  as a point of difference, there was an attempt in the 19th century in Richmond Indiana (which happens to be where Earlham College is located, and it has a school of religion)to have a statement of principles, but it was never widely accepted.

In my meeting, in suburban Washington, we vary from people who devoutly and specifically Christian in their orientation to others who would describe themselves as Wiccan, Pagan, Buddhist, somewhat Episcopalian (but not necessarily Christian), Jewish, Muslim.  

We have certain things in common, which is why we cohere.  

And since I have said I am not a Christian, I don't know why you keep pushing this point you want to make.

I can tell you volumes about the differences among groups who consider themselves Christian but do not consider others who use the same appellation to qualify.   Here I say I am not and yet you seem to want to insist that I am.

And since I am not attempting to convert you - or anyone else - it is irrelevant to my point about what might distinguish my belief set from yours.  I choose to live my beliefs, and refer to them when appropriate to explain other things, not in isolation.  

If what I write does not appeal to you on its own merits, that's fine - maybe it is not intended for you.  


Well... (mr science - 12/29/2007 5:14:30 PM)
you brought it up. I take issue because you are not content to simply say you support separation of church and state. You feel compelled to inject religion into the political discourse. Every candidate for high public office is expected to be religious and expound on "faith and values" as though the two were inextricably linked. Why? If our government is secular and we value the separation of church and state, there should be no pressure to discuss religion, yet its expected. If you write a diary on a political blog and inject religion into the conversation about government, I have every right to question you on the subject, the same goes for all the candidates that infuse religion into their campaigns.

Religion is becoming more enmeshed into politics every election and yet its taboo to criticize religious views. I find this problematic. You say its not intended for me, well, I'm an American just the same as you. It's incredibly presumptuous to suggest nonbelievers such as myself are not included in this debate, how arrogant! No, you're not trying to convert me, you just want to dismiss my point of view, as well as the 14% of Americans who have no religious affiliation. And the percentage goes up with younger generations. We are a growing minority who are finally starting to speak up.

Your murky style of religion is an elaborate, impenetrable shell-game designed to deflect free inquiry. It's very frustrating and tedious to have conversations like this but I won't just sit back and watch on the sidelines like the spectator you would have me be. I've got something to say about it too...

Thank you for your time.

you seem to have trouble reading (teacherken - 12/29/2007 5:33:47 PM)
and there seems to be a pattern of distortion - I see it in your responses to Gordie as well

I will tell you that on other sites you would find yourself getting troll ratings for how you are approaching this.  That is not my style.  

But since you do not seem to desire meaningful dialog, I will accept that and leave you to your own devices.


Sounds Like (Gordie - 12/29/2007 8:58:12 AM)
you are not comfortable calling yourself and Atheist.
Does agnostic fit better?

Thanks for your concern but... (mr science - 12/29/2007 12:43:22 PM)
atheist fits me perfectly. Technically you could say I'm an agnostic because I can't disprove the existence of god. However, I can't disprove the existence of fairies either so you'd have to say I'm agnostic about them as well. You get my point. I find belief in god unjustifiable (i.e. no evidence), unlikely and unworthy of serious consideration. On the other hand agnostics tend to give the question of god some weight and only stop short of belief because it's unproven.

Mr. Science (Gordie - 12/29/2007 1:58:57 PM)
Although I was baptised, confirmed in the Episcopal faith and their Religious ceremonies, I still had doubts and was a wonderer such as you are questioning.
In 1983 as I lay in my bed at a rehab center, reading Bill's book talking about GOD or a "Power Greater then One's Self", I uttered the words, "I want to believe". Laying there an enormous lite seemed to fill the room and my brain. The feeling of lightness started at my feet and continued up my body and I felt like I was floating, until it reached some where in my head. It was so strange that I thought I was going to die and I faught off the experience.
From that day forward I have had a completely different out look on this force I have always felt existed, but I would not recognise. I have not had a drink of alcohol since. Don't get me wrong. The thoughts still enter the mind and I still have dreams that I got drunk, but thanks to a Power greater then Myself, it has not happened that I drank or got drunk. So as not to create confusion with others I call that Power "GOD".
Something happened that day, that I can never explain. Oh others have their theories, but none can compare to that experience.
I spent another 2 1/2 weeks in that care unit and I had others following me around and exclaiming "What ever he Has I Want".
Today, as I read about the Revolutionary War and read some of the writings the signers of the Decaration and Bill of Rights and our Constitution, I can recognise that some of those men had similar experiences and that the wisdom shines upon the documents they have written. It is my belief that when life gets unbearable and one seeks out the truth and wisdom, something happens that I doubt anyone can truly describe in the proper words, I know I can't.
My thoughts go out to you that some day, the wisdom will enlighten you.

If you read my earlier comments about "Religion and Politics", I hope this sheds more light on what I am trying to say.

At times when I hear George Bush talk about his "Awakening", I wonder if he actually had a similar experience, but completely misunderstood the gift he was given.  

Gordie... (mr science - 12/29/2007 5:27:35 PM)
It's never my intention to be rude or offensive, yet I am regrettably aware that trespassing on taboo offends people. You have played the personal witness card. You have put me the awkward position of either going along with what you say or impugning your honesty by expressing my view. I simply cannot  accept what you are saying about a higher power. I'm sorry if its rude to say so, but you put me in that position by playing the witness card.

Thank You For the Reply (Gordie - 12/29/2007 6:35:41 PM)
Your response tells me I have planted a seed and if that is the best I can do for now, so be it.

This is just a shell game, Gordie. (spotter - 12/30/2007 1:34:35 PM)
If you relate your personal experience, mr science will accuse you of "playing the witness card."  If you describe your beliefs more generally, mr science will try to confine you to his narrow view of the narrow-minded fundamentalists he seeks to discredit.  It's a shell game; he's setting up straw men and knocking them down.  He's not interested in the true answer to his questions, and is not reading or listening at all.  He's on his own private journey, just ready to pounce and taunt and mischaracterize no matter what the response.  Not a lot of Falwell/Robertson adherents on this blog.  mr science can believe whatever he wants, and no one here is going to try to talk him out of it.  But he prefers to consider himself a misunderstood martyr to whatever the heck he thinks is his cause.  Well, good luck with that.

so do you think we should exercise community judgment (teacherken - 12/30/2007 1:57:26 PM)
and troll rate the comments on this thread that seem to demonstrate the pattern you describe and which I have experienced?

no (Sui Juris - 12/30/2007 2:06:44 PM)
I've had enough of the silly TR wars over at dKos, Ken.  No need to bring them here (where no one really uses the rating system, anyway).

no, teacherken. (spotter - 12/30/2007 3:08:36 PM)
I think it just provides an excuse for another flame war, and more proof of martyrdom to someone inexplicably seeking it.

Religion and Politics (Gordie - 12/28/2007 10:59:30 AM)
Religion has its place in this world and the practising is left up to the individual. No one religion is better then any other, since they all have their flaws.
The one constant is the use of the word GOD or a similar name which can be traced back to the same understanding. A power in this universe that is absolutely present in our daily lives. Some acknowledge the power and others chose to disregard it and call it by some other name. Most people call it luck, but many other words are used to disregard that power which is present for all who accept it in their lives.
Most certainly it has nothing to do with Religion, it is totally a belief that some form of unknown origin is present.

BUT, getting back to the what I believe teacherkin was posting is the Separation of Church and State. If that is what he was truly attempting to preach, then I totally believe in that separation. Recently I have gone so far as to join the UA, which stands for "American United for Separation of Church and State". I am not pushing, suggesting, or endorsing such an organization. It is just my belief that all Religions should practice their religion and leave the Governing of Laws to the Law Makers. If Religion is do their JOB as they say they do, then we will be ruled by the understanding GOD is attempting to instruct us in the teachings of the NEW TESTAMENT.
And may their be mercy on the souls who attempt to use those teachings for their own Political gain and Power.

Is their a JUDGEMENT DAY? No ones knows till the day comes. This unknown is one fear I will allow in my life and I will be aware of in the daily things I do.

Finally again I will say Separation of Church/Religion and Politics forever and live in love for all.