Warner Watch: Forward Together PAC Website

By: Josh
Published On: 11/14/2005 2:00:00 AM

"The real issues we face are no longer right vs. left or conservative vs. liberal. They?re about past vs. future. Our challenge, as Democrats, is to reclaim our role as the party of the future."  Mark Warner

After mysteriously being leaked a few weeks ago, the Mark Warner website came online today.  The site is the web home of the Forward Together PAC, with Mark Warner as "honorary chair".  Semantics aside, this site provides some great insights into the Presidential Strategy of Virginia's beloved exiting Governor.

After a quick browse through the Forward Together PAC, here's my takeaway:

  1. This website talks American.  There's no high-falutin' policy wonkish text on this thing.  It's all "sweet-home Virginia", all the time on this website.  The conservatives who are running our nation into the ground like to talk about elites, but Warner isn't one.  Take that to the bank.
  2. Warner is a Democrat.  Warner is PROUD to be a Democrat.  When he leaves office, Warner is going to aggressively work to build the Democratic party nationwide.  Warner is not only determined to pursue the White House, which I support, but he is also determined to build a sustainable Democratic Majority, which I support even more.
  3. Warner is going to leave the "Culture War" for ideologues. Tim Kaine's victory shows that Americans want responsibile government more than division, dirty tricks, and thinly veiled hate. Warner is going to fight the Vision war.  Warner is going to fight for a sustainable America, an America that works, an America that pays its way, an America of Broad Prosperity, and an America of inclusiveness.
  4. Warner is a success. His tenure in Virginia is the envy of the nation.  His coattails are long, the Kaine Victory proves it.  The message of his public career is powerful:  Centrist, Positive Progressive, Fiscally Responsible Democrats can win in the South and win the future for America in every locality, county, city, district, state and nationwide.

Go take a look at the site and enjoy. 

For Mark Warner, the sun is rising in America.
