The Endorsements Keep Rolling in for Leslie Byrne

By: Lowell
Published On: 12/17/2007 7:13:29 AM

According to the Byrne for Congress wesbsite, Leslie has now received the endorsements of the Virginia National Organization for Women and the National Women's Campaign Forum.  In addition:

Two well respected Fairfax Democratic Committee officials have also announced their support. Scott Surovell, Chair of Mount Vernon Magisterial District along with Kate Wilder, FCDC Vice Chairman of the South. Both of these fine people have proven track records of getting Democrats elected and I am very happy to have their support.

These endorsements follow recent ones by AFCME-Virginia, Donald McEachin, Chap Petersen, the International President of the Ironworkers, and The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 51.  Things are lookin' good for Leslie.  If you want to help her raise the money she needs (and be entered into a drawing for 4 free Daily Show tickets), please click here.  Thanks, and Go Leslie!


Anyone who thinks (KFrumkin - 12/17/2007 12:02:15 PM)
Leslie can beat Tom Davis is crazy.  The only thing she's good at is winning primaries.  Look at her track record - all she does is run and lose, run and lose - and waste a lot of time and money doing it.  The most important question is, what is different this time around?  What makes anyone think she has a better chance now than in 1994?

Call a lot of us crazy, then. (Lowell - 12/17/2007 12:05:17 PM)
But it's not relevant, because Tom Davis is almost certainly not running for re-election.  The relevant question is not IF the Democrats will take back the 11th CD, but WHICH Democrat will take back the 11th CD.  My personal preference is Leslie Byrne; she will make a superb representative and I can't wait until she takes the oath of office in just over a year!  

Lowell -- I concur (JohnBruhns - 12/17/2007 3:41:24 PM)

Well, I think there are other great options, (KFrumkin - 12/17/2007 6:44:45 PM)
Especially if you look at Doug Denneny.  He is a decorated Iraq War veteran who can stand toe-to-toe with Davis on national security. He is the kind of guy that Webb-Davis voters might consider, given his military credentials and outspoken opposition to Bush's misguided foreign policy.  If you think Webb-Davis voters will vote for Leslie, I would respectfully assert that you are mistaken.

Doug is a great guy. (Lowell - 12/17/2007 6:48:34 PM)
If Leslie weren't running, I'd be supporting him.  But Leslie's got the experience, the toughness, the track record and the vision that I believe deserves all of our support this year.

The reason I don't like Doug Denneny (JMU Duke - 12/17/2007 10:43:20 PM)
has nothing to do with his him. I've met the man several times, he is a good guy. The reason I don't like him is his supporters. The comment you made above, and the nasty rhetoric that has already come from Denneny supporters both online and from those that I've met when talking about Leslie Byrne is repugnant. His trash-talking followers combined with his choice of campaign manager does not speak well for Doug. If he is a legitimate candidate (and I believe he is) then his credentials should speak for themselves and you guys won't need to run around trashing Leslie as much.  

Not Only Do I Agree (Ben - 12/18/2007 1:55:41 AM)
I notice that is another new screen name that has only posted pro-Doug comments.  I had the same thing happen on my blog during Chap's liveblog.  Always negative on Leslie also.

Doug- I know you are reading this- you have two options.  1)  Stop these negative attacks from your guys, or 2)  Prepare to no longer be the "good guy" who we are treating with kid gloves.

The political lean of the 11th (Eric - 12/17/2007 12:21:38 PM)
has changed since 1994.  It's become more blue and really doesn't like Dubya much at all - meaning anyone who can be tied with him (which Davis can be to a degree) will not be a crowd favorite.  Flip side, Davis is seen as a moderate (he's not, but people think he is) and he's a long term incumbent - so that'll work well for him should he decide to run again.

What's all that mean?  A potentially tough fight between a locally popular Democrat in a fairly blue area and a long term popular Republican incumbent with some serious baggage.  Davis was strong enough to pull it off last time against Hurst, a political new comer, during a time of change.  Democrats have strong momentum in the 11th and if a well established political veteran such as Byrne runs, it'll be a very tight race.

Lesle Byrne Is My Choice But Denneny is OK (Lee Diamond - 12/17/2007 8:44:32 PM)
While I join what I assume will be most other activists in supporting Leslie, people will differ about this.  These two individuals bring different backgrounds to the race.  I think we can be satisfied with either one.

Leslie has been a good friend to the grassroots.  The district has moved appreciably since '94.  I feel confident with Leslie Byrne as our candidate.