Voting Problems in Roanoke?

By: Lowell
Published On: 11/8/2005 2:00:00 AM

Not that this is surprising, but according to WDBJ-7:

Election day voting is going on across the Old Dominion, but everything has not gone smoothly in Roanoke County.

News 7 has received calls from several voters in at least four different precincts who say their votes for Tim Kaine were not recorded or took several attempts to go through.

They contend the electronic touch screens repeatedly indicated they were voting for Republican candidate Jerry Kilgore instead of registering their intended vote for his Democratic opponent Tim Kaine.


State election officials have been told of the problem. They believe if there is a problem, it could have been caused by the way the machines were stored.

The Kaine compaign is reportedly watching the situation in Roanoke County.

Let's just hope this election isn't even close.  If it's a Kaine blowout, the Republicans won't have a chance to pull any monkey business like they did in Florida 2000, Ohio 2004, etc., etc.  So...50 more minutes; get out and VOTE!!!

[UPDATE #1: By the way, according to "Verified Voting Virginia," the next meeting of the Joint Subcommittee Studying Voting Equipment will be at 1 PM on November 21 in the General Assembly Building, Richmond.  Something you might want to consider attending.  As "Verified Voting Virginia" puts it, "A large audience will show that Virginians care about the integrity of our elections, and that we demand transparent and reliable elections."]
