Kilgore would be another arm of the far right wing

By: Rob
Published On: 11/7/2005 2:00:00 AM

KilgoreRobertsonMorphWith George W. Bush accompanying him on stage tonight while the White House is rocked by scandal, it's more clear than ever that Jerry Kilgore would set up an outpost for the GOP scandal machine in Richmond .

First, Kilgore's positions mirror the fiscal insanity of the Republicans in D.C. - promising the "pipe dream" of wild spending and tax cuts.  Kilgore has even denounced the bipartisan restoration of fiscal sanity by Mark Warner, swearing he'd "undo" the work of the Warner-Kaine administration.

Also, Kilgore hasyet to denounce Tom DeLay.  No surprise - the Kilgore campaign is swimming in the money of the corrupt DeLay/Abramoff machine.  And what has that money bought?  Some gutter campaigning that would make Karl Rove proud - vile campaigning and dirty tricks from the Rove school of politics.  Of course, in sensible Virginia, his Hitler ads and other negative campaigning have backfired.

And don't forget his far-right politics.  He has taken a truck load of money from Pat Robertson, even after the pro-life Reverend was roundly denounced for off the wall comments including a call for murdering a head of state.  And no wonder - Kilgore believes in radically far right positions, including a call for criminalizing abortion even in most cases of rape and incest. 

This election is critical.  We need to defeat Bush and Co. in 2005.

Get out there and vote tomorrow (Tuesday, November 8th) - spread the word - and save Virginia from Jerry Kilgore.
