What is Your Connection?

By: faithfull
Published On: 11/16/2007 8:32:38 PM

It inspires fascination in its repulsiveness.
Deference through unapologetic bluntness.
And awe in its terrible, incomprehensible, magnitude.

Most notably, mountaintop removal mining will be remembered as the final arrogant thrust of Big Coal's knife into Appalachia's side. As the coal disappears and as the companies leave, this is coal's final black bullet into our heart, ending a murder-suicide 150 years in the making - filled with open warfare, oppression, and utter devastation.

For so long, not only has America ignored the razing of Appalachia, but our Congress (especially Boucher) and the Bush Administration have made every attempt to streamline MTR, hurting Virginia's mountains, rivers, economy, and very way of life - against the will of the people of Appalachia.

However, we at iLoveMountains.org are trying to help America change by letting them know the destruction they are causing to a large part of West Virginia, and Appalachia.

Through a new tool at iLoveMountains.org, people from across America can now check which mountains and communities in Appalachia are affected when they turn on their light switches.

Please check it out and let us know what you think!
